Rider Fitness and Health Contest! Win a $500 Fitness and Health Makeover!

We’re giving away two $500 Fitness and Health Makeovers in the next two weeks!


What do you do to stay fit when you’re not riding? Do you have great exercise or nutrition tips? What are your fitness goals?


Post your fitness tips, goals, challenges and ideas below and you’ll automatically be entered in our draw to win a fabulous fitness package!


A $250 shopping spree at the new Omega Alpha Store, where you’ll be able to choose from the incredible world-class supplements for yourself, your horses and even your pets! Click here to check out the new store. Good luck to the winners - it will be hard to choose from so many great products!


A $125 personalized exercise plan created for you by Claire Moscone-Biafore, Osteopath and Certified Athletic Therapist. Claire works with members of Canada’s Olympic gold medal women’s hockey team and we are thrilled that she is offering her time to help our two winners.


A $125 personalized nutrition plan created for you by Patti Bartsch, M.A., Ph.D. Patti is the founder and owner of Naturally Unbridled, a holistic life and wellness coaching company specializing in equestrian women.

Patti holds a Ph.D. in Natural Health & Wellness, a master’s degree in Biology and two undergraduate degrees in Animal Science. She also holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University. A million thanks to Patti for providing your insights for our winners!

We’ll be doing our first draw on June 23, and the second on June 30.


We’ll be drawing from all the posts, so if you have lots of tips or fitness ideas to share, post as many times as you like. All of your posts will be included in our draws!


Good luck to all!!


*A quick thanks to Elizabeth Levitt, who intended to participate, but is unable to do so.






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During the winter months when I do not ride, I take a pilates class , a weight and exersice class, and a zumba class with our local parks and rec department on three different days.  My job requires me to walk for my entire shift which is in excess of 10,000 steps.  I take a multi vitamen with a handful of other recommended suppliments with a probiotic drink twice a day.  Instead of a lunch on work days  I'll eat a 1/4 cup of grainola with blueberries or raspberries with yogart.    My BMI is 23 . I ride 2 to 4 times a week and I'm 63 years old ( but that's only a number as my mind thinks I'm still in my forty's) 

Barn chores and portion control to keep the weight down. Yoga and Qi Gong to stay limber and balanced.

I have health issues which can make it uncomfortable to ride for too long at one time. I will ride my exercises in the morning for about 20 minutes with breaks for both me and my horse worked in ie ride for 5 minutes at a time for a total of 20 minutes of actual work. I will then go back out in the evening and trail ride or just putts around with lots of long walk strides. Both of us like this routine. We work our muscles in the morning then stretch them out in the evening. When I can't ride I like to swim which takes the weight off of my joints.

I used to ride all the time, but focused on my daughter's riding since she was young.  Then we got into breeding warmbloods for sale, hoping to find just the right one to keep for her.  Now she's grown up and gone, and when I sell the remaining young horses, it'll be my turn.  I may be 55 now, but I want to be READY....  So my goal is to get myself on a program so I can start my riding journey again when I have 5 weeks'  vacation this August.  It's been so long I don't even know where to start, so some help would sure be great.  After all those years of riding until I was about 40, including 13 years in the drag fox hunt, it would be fun to be back in the saddle.  If I could just get rid of the "saddle bags" before inflicting myself on my wonderful mare.
Having a midlife horse brings with it all the considerations of midlife + horse. When I first got involved again after 25+ years, it was hard! Issues that were never issues while growing up with horses were now my main concerns: strength, stamina, anxiety and fear. It all took me by surprise,nothing was automatic anymore, and everything was so, well, physical. It sent me back to the gym, and that has made a huge difference on every level. My three times per week workouts include weights for every major muscle group plus cardio workouts on the stationary bike and rowing machine. I try to practice all the weight work with a strong, engaged core. On the two weekday mornings when I'm not at the gym my husband and I walk/hike the trails in our many regional parks that allow horses so that I'll be familiar with them when I'm ready to ride there. What a difference it has made! So far I've been just developing my relationship with and retraining my rescue OTTB. It is all sooo much easier since starting the walking and workouts. More energy, less anxiety and better sleep are the bonuses. So far as riding, up to this point it has just involved arena work, a little hacking around and riding western for the increased security, but my goal is to begin training in dressage. With that in mind I hope to add pilates to my workout to specifically target riding muscles and balance, straighten and refine my overall strength, I've also been following Weight Warchers for weight loss and to improve my general nutrition, but a personalized nutrition plan would be wonderful and another energy boost!
i have always biked and hiked and done some sort of gym class but when i got back into riding six  years ago after a 30  year hiatus, i am really surprised at how much better my body is. i have way more stamina, my core strength has increased and my balance has improved. so - my health cure? just keep riding - 5-6 days a week.
Now that my only horse has just gotten arthritis, I'm not getting as much riding as I used to.  So what I started doing is I find about 15 yoga exercises to help with balance and flexibility and 15 strenth exercises that I like and I work on them for an hour.  I do the same exercises 3-4 times a week.  It is fun because you are doing the exercises you like and you are done in no time.

O.k well this is coming from a rider who has been out of the saddle and out of shape for too long . Losing a good 20 pounds would be wonderful.


All of your postings are great and give me ideas.


At this moment I am trying to eat three meals a day, and not do my usual of not  eating Breakfast and lunch ,and finally eat at 8pm.


drinking lots of water

my exercise is walking every morning with the dogs  soon I will add a more cardio walk


I clean houses sooo even there I am getting used to running up and down people stairs , I will have to find a way to step that up. Just because my body has gotten use to that workout.

I just added chia seeds and greens to help with energy.getting rid of the bad stuff.


My problem is a go all guns blazing to lose weight and get in shape and than when I even out and no more weight lost , I tend to stop.


It would be wonderful to win this package but if some of you could  be a cheering team to push when I feel ughhhh that would be wonderful.


 I feel everyone needs a team with them to help in all the areas.



The best nutritional advice I've received is to ALWAYS read the packaging and check for fat, sodium and calories. My biggest fat and sodium shock? Instant noodles!

My husband has discovered running and it's something that I am thinking about getting into. He started with a running group and I think that's a super way to keep motivated.  I would be interested in knowing if anyone else out there is in a running group and, if so, how is it working for you?
After unintentionally beginning my running in the arena, running around with beginner riders I was instructing. I joined a small ladie's group, running with them just a few times. They taught me the 'talk test': run while chatting; when you are unable to talk, then walk; when you are able to talk again, run. Swimming lengths at the pool also helped. Additionally, the lesson learned about breathing in Biology 12 was very helpful. You breathe by negative pressure. Focus on emptying your lungs, then just relax and allow the created vacuum in your lungs to draw the air in again. Experiment with different breathing patterns (e.g. exhaling in 2 puffs before inhaling), and exhaling with footfalls helps - try to empty the bottom of your lungs. If you begin to suffer knee pain, my own opinion is that you are probably not using your joints correctly. I rectified my own knee situation by running more quietly. I found that when I ran with quieter footfalls, I used my joints better, and my knee soreness disappeared - I regularly ran on the road too. The bonus I received with in these early days was that my mild asthma disappeared, along with my allergies to cats, dogs and horses!

Posting here outside of the contest, but I did want to take this opportunity to share what has worked for me. Almost eight years ago, I was dragged to a karate class by my husband. We have both been training in karate and mixed martial arts ever since! It has made a huge difference to my strength, timing and balance and confidence.

If anyone here is even toying with the idea of trying it, I highly recommend that you give it a go! It has improved my riding and made me a different person - and I started in my 40s!





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