When considering getting a horse, do you ever consider a standardbred?

We're curious to know what folks think about Standardbreds when it comes to purchasing or adopting a new horse.

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I personally have never actually ridden a SB before but I go to the Royal Winter Fair every year and usually the have one their that is shown as a riding horse and the way they move is absolutely gorgeous! They don't seem to be the most comfortable horses to ride but I suspect that if you just work on your muscle tone in order to ride an SB then they will become comfortable. Thats how I have come to fine my Horse comfy and when anyone else gets on her they complain about not being able to rise to her trot and not be able to sit to her canter. Before I bought my horse I was actually considering buying a SB because I love the way they move. So, Yes I personally consider Standardbred's  when looking for new horses to purchase. :) 

STBs come in 3 basic types.  There are those who w/t/c.  These make good riding horses afterward.  There are those that do walk/trot/pace/canter.   These do not have a good canter so any sport requiring them to canter will not work for them.  The smallest group are those that only pace. I have ridden pacers and the pace is very easy to sit too as you just rock gently side to side. 200 years ago if you had a distance to travel you would prefer a pacer and these horses were sold at a premium but then someone invented posting and pacers fell into disfavor.  If you just want to trail ride these pacers will work for you.


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