A recent paper posted on the CHDC website:  What You Didn't Know About Canada's Horse Federations:


Did you know that your provincial horse federation supports and endorses the slaughter of North American horses?


Back to 2008  -   In June 2008, the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) (www.defendhorsescanada.org) released its "Black Beauty Betrayed" report: (http://www.defendhorsescanada.org/NaturalValleyFarmsInvestigation.html) on Natural Valley Farms (NVF) horse slaughter plant in Saskatchewan that provided evidence of horses subjected to cruel handling and poor slaughter practices, resulting in immense suffering. Also, it proved that transportation laws were being broken, as well that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) was not enforcing the rules mandated by federal regulations. In the October 2008 edition of the Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF) magazine WHOA!: (http://www.horse.on.ca/files/October_2008_WHOA!.pdf) President (then Vice-President) Gary Yaghdjian wrote the article on page 46, "The Truth About Horse Slaughter in Canada". This was in response to the disturbing findings revealed at Natural Valley Farms. It begins with this message, "With the advent of animal activist activity here in Canada, the OEF has been networking with its sister federations and provincial Farm Animal Councils to form the Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada” (HWAC) http://www.horsewelfare.ca/index.php. Without members' input, Canada's provincial horse federations became members of this newly formed alliance in a quick, seamless fashion. First we'll address the article, and then we'd like to explore this horse welfare organization further......   Read the rest here:



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