Source:  News Release



Organization Truly Shows International Influence

Denver— In June, the organization formerly known as NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association) officially became the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.). It has been an exciting time for the organization as members embrace the new name and promote it in their communities around the world.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the name change has been the incorporation of the word “international.” While there has long been international interest, the association has felt a rapid growth of international influence evolving over the course of the past several years. The word international may not have been an accurate reflection of the association years ago but currently it is entirely accurate. There are almost 100 PATH Intl. certified instructors helping individuals in 20 countries, and of course there are center members providing the benefits of equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) as well! And the interest just keeps growing. For instance, during one week in April 2011, PATH Intl. was host to two unrelated visits at headquarters from delegations representing colleges in both Japan and South Korea!

During the name change World Café process when the organization sought input from the membership about what concepts to include in the new name, the word "international" was the 4th ranked request as an important element to be included in the new name. Many international professionals in EAAT may not need or choose to include PATH Intl. in their educational, operational or organizational goals. However, many, many international parties from countries still developing their EAAT industries are coming to PATH Intl. for leadership direction in certification and accreditation. The goal of PATH Intl. is to be a resource to those in need.

As PATH Intl. celebrates its new name, here are a few fun facts to consider

• On June 7, 2011, PATH Intl. added a flag counter to the website homepage. It tracks visitors and identifies the country from which they are clicking through. In less than 24 hours it registered unique visitors from 26 countries. As of the end of July, the site has tracked visitors from over 100 countries. Visit to take a look. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the international flag counter and click on the table for further details. It's fun and also quite illuminating. International. Indeed.

• A translation button was added to the website just above the quick links on the left menu. The "translate" button offers translation into 51 languages in addition to English.

• PATH Intl. currently has members on all continents except Antarctica.

PATH Intl. staff members speak on a weekly basis to individuals from all over the world who are looking for direction, membership, certification or center information. The PATH Intl. Standards for Certification and Accreditation is purchased by foreign entities regularly. International corporations make inquiries and international media representatives frequently contact PATH Intl. for EAAT information. If you would like information on PATH Intl., visit or call (800) 369-7433.

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