The Donkey Sanctuary: The Big Bray is launched to help the world’s most willing servants

Source:  News Release




Donkey charity launches the Big Bray to help the world’s most willing servants



International animal welfare charity The Donkey Sanctuary is appealing for supporters to hold fundraising events to help donkeys the world over as part of its first ever Big Bray.

The Big Bray is a co-ordinated fundraising event which will take place during International Donkey Week (9-15 May 2012), celebrating the valuable contribution of donkeys to communities worldwide.   This year, for the first time ever, The Donkey Sanctuary is inviting supporters to join in the celebrations by holding events in their own area.

Marian Gumbrell, The Donkey Sanctuary’s Community Fundraising Manager, says:

“A donkey is more than just a donkey, so why not spread the word about their important roles in communities around the world as part of the Big Bray!  During International Donkey Week (9-15 May 2012) we are holding our Big Bray event and we're asking you to get involved for the love of donkeys.

This is your chance to help donkeys by holding an event in or around International Donkey Week. From organising a sponsored knit, taking a tin of cakes into work or school to sell, to skydiving - the choice is 'eeeyours'!

“We want our supporters to have fun when fundraising so be as creative as you like! Every penny raised will make a huge difference to the lives of donkeys.”

Mary Beetham and Arnold Staples have been supporting The Donkey Sanctuary for over a decade, holding fundraising events in their own area and at The Donkey Sanctuary’s headquarters in Sidmouth, Devon.

Mary adds: “When I began fostering donkeys with The Donkey Sanctuary 14 years ago, I really felt I wanted to give something back to the charity to say thank you for all their help and support.  Arnold and I started making handcrafted donkey-themed goods (such as keyrings, placemats, necklaces and glass engravings) to raise money.  We have stalls at the charity’s donkey assisted therapy centre in Manchester three times a year and also come down to the Sidmouth Sanctuary during International Donkey Week each year and have a stall in the main marquee – last year we raised £500!

“I would encourage anyone who is interested in holding an event to raise funds for The Donkey Sanctuary to go for it!  You will be surprised how much money you can raise at small-scale events that require minimal organisation, and how much fun you will have doing it.”

To find out more about the Big Bray, please visit

More information about International Donkey Week 2012 at The Donkey Sanctuary can be found at The week offers a holiday with a difference for supporters at The Donkey Sanctuary’s headquarters near Sidmouth in Devon, with a chance to go behind-the-scenes at charity farms that are not normally open to the public. 

Further information about the charity’s foster scheme can be found at

About The Donkey Sanctuary

International animal welfare charity The Donkey Sanctuary was founded by the late Dr Elisabeth Svendsen M.B.E. in 1969.  It supports projects to alleviate the suffering of donkeys in 28 countries worldwide, including sanctuaries across Europe, where more than 15,000 donkeys and mules have been cared for, and major projects in Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Mexico, where donkey welfare is improved through community education and veterinary work.  It also provides donkey-assisted therapy for children with additional needs and therapeutic visits for elderly people in the local community from centres in Belfast, Birmingham, Ivybridge, Leeds, Manchester and Sidmouth.

For further information telephone: 01395 578222, view or visit the charity’s headquarters near Sidmouth in Devon (open 365 days/free admission).

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