The Tarpan (Equus Caballus Gmelini) Is the main of the prehistoric types that are the foundation for all the worlds horses. It's name is Russian for wild horse and it had survived on the Russian steppe in its original form until the late eighteenth century when it was hunted to near extinction.
Although the original Tarpan is now extinct, a herd exists at the state reserve of Popielno in Poland. Using it's closest living descendants it was back-bred to restore the wild characteristics. It's limbs are long and fine, similar to modern horses of eastern character. It bears Zebra markings on it's upper legs and sometimes body. It has a dorsal stripe, and is dun or black dun in color. Never Red Dun as this would require a Chestnut cross, which would never occur naturally.
This primitive horse is the only ancestor to our hot breeds (Arab,TB) and through them, its blood runs in the veins of all our modern horses. With the exeption of Draft Breeds, which are descendants of the extinct "Forest Horse" .
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