It all started on my 13th birthday. My grandparents gave me a Thoroughbred mare we named Greycee (she's a dapple grey). She was at the farm a few days before my birthday, and my grandfather noticed that something wasn't right. She had lost weight in just a few days and her belly was bloated, he called the vet. The vet said that when he wormed her, the worms had died in her belly, but she wasn't passing them like she should, they were poisoning her. The doctor was at the farm twice a day taking blood and checking her condition. The farrier brought special boots because now she was foundering. Greycee had a fever and now she had an I.V. in her neck, boots on her feet, and bad news from the vet. The doctor said that we had a decision to make. Do we keep going with medicine and treatment and hope that she gets better or do we decide to put her down. Her condition was not improving. Through all this Greycee was a real sweetie, it was like she knew everyone was trying to help her.
  My family had decided to go ahead with my surprise party, and what a surprise. I never expected to get such a big beautiful birthday gift. I noticed the I.V. right away, but didn't ask   any questions, I guess I didn't really want to know. My mom took me aside later and told me that we had a decision to make. She also said that this is part of owning a horse, making decisions we don't want to make. I spent all day with Greycee in her stall, trying to get to know her and helping take care of her, I told my mom that "I will love her as long as I have her." Greycee and I had a special bond right away. She sniffed my hair, I brushed her mane, she nuzzled my neck, I hugged her neck. I prayed to God to not take her away. Later that night ,on our way home, I told my mom that I had made a decision. If putting her down would end her pain, then thats what needed to be done, I called my grandfather and told him my decision. I cried myself to sleep that night, and prayed that I had made the right choice.
 The vet came out to the barn the next morning with great news! Her blood work was improving, which meant that the medication was finally working. She still had a long road to a full recovery, but she would get there.It  took about three weeks for her to get the sparkle back in her eye. She started to gain weight, the I.V. came out and she was excited to see me whenever I came to the barn.
 That was two years ago and Greycee is as sassy as ever and so much fun. Since then, I have started training her for the Hunter ring and she won a Reserve Champion at her first show. She is a pleasure to ride, and I will never give up on her.

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Replies to This Discussion

omg i actually teared up when i read this :') good story
i know i start crying every time i read it or think about it! lol
haha :)
when i tell her story people start to get teary! lol


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