I wanna go homewhere I have somewhere to run and I want my family back.

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Comment by Shirley on June 22, 2010 at 6:15pm
Bureau not Burrow
Comment by Shirley on June 22, 2010 at 6:13pm
The Burrow of Land Management that is responsible for the welfare of the wild horses 'says' there is not enough food and water on the land for all of the wild horses to stay healthy on so they are removing many horses from the herds. Some are kept in large feedlot type situations cause there is nowhere ---- no-one to give them homes. I totally agree it is horrible. Many of the mustangs are adopted though and adjust well & develop to be very great horses for their owners. There are unfortunately many people that would not have a problem just shooting the horses to get rid of them. So, as much as I HATE all of this I can only hope for the best homes and owners for these young horses.
The one thing ALL of us can do is spread the word about what is happening with the wild mustangs and attempt to get people to call and write their government representatives letting them know that they care what happens to these wild horses and that they want the land saved for the horses to live on and be free. Right now the BLM is allowing ranchers to lease some /a lot of this land to graze their cattle on. So the cattle are after the same food and water that is actually suppose to be for the horses.
It's a mess and there is lots of arguing going on about how all of this should be handled.

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