Those people took me away from my family and my range, now I hope they don't send me to Mexico or Canada to be inhumanely slaughtered. The range looked much prettier with us on it then those cows the BLM leased the land to for next to nothing.

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Comment by Coopersmom_1958 on May 11, 2010 at 3:04pm
I sure hope they found good homes too! They are magnificent! Damn I wish the government would leave things alone.
Comment by Shirley on May 11, 2010 at 1:04pm
Hi! I know it is very sad. Take a peek at the horse standing back behind this red one. If you look closely you can see her long forelock. She looked like she had some Spanish heritage with the long mane and forelock. She was just what I imagine when I think of a wild mustang standing on a hill with the wind blowing their hair or running across the range with their mane flowing in the breeze. She was just gorgeous. She was also one of the more timid ones in that corral. I stayed at this corral of five horses for nearly an hour. There was a little hay pushed out too far for them to reach so I was gathering up little bunches at a time as best I could and giving it to them. That's how I got two of them to eat from my hand. It was funny cause the first time the first one did it and we actually touched we both jumped. I thought that would be the end of her being friendly but she came right back. She didn't have to either cause there was some hay in their corral. Apparently it was a case of the grass looking greener on the other side. LOL
It was a situation that I had to look at the good and the bad. There are many people that would just as soon have them sent to slaughter or shoot them down out on the range. Hopefully most of these will get good homes.

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