80th ride, the batteries died after only 1 photo.

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Comment by Shirley on February 17, 2012 at 12:20pm

I understand what you mean about getting too tired. Maybe I should skip more days too. Once I get myself going I feel more energized when we are done but then the next day I'm super worn out. Maybe I need to take some time to recharge.

I am being forced to take some time off right now cause I've been sick a couple days ...very achey, tired, throwing up and looseing from the other end too. I don't remember ever feeling this sick before.

So far the new trainer has introduced us to a tapping method while I envision different feelings, we are doing some essential oils and really focusing on my breathing and very slight tweaking of my posture. The first lesson I was not on Cash cause of his hurt leg. This week I did sit on him and Kim led us a little while we really focused on my breating. I love seeing Cash repond to me and relax as he feels me relax. Licking, chewing, dropping his head....stuff we've known but doing it in this way just really makes it even more unquestionable how in tune to us they are. They are such a great meter of our feelings.

Hope you have a great week-end.


Comment by Coopersmom_1958 on February 16, 2012 at 4:29pm

Hope you had a great lesson! That's what I need, a specialist in fear and trauma. I know Cooper can feel it when I get so scared when he acts up. I rode him again on Monday and he was pretty good. I have to work more on his whoa, it is not that good, and you need to have brakes. When I do the one rein stop I always get off balance and tip to one side, even when I push down with the other hand.

I might stop going up during the work week, that is making me sad. Even though it is a lot closer, we stay long and I still am very tired for work the next morning. Can never seem to do a fast workout.

Comment by Shirley on February 14, 2012 at 2:06am

Couple of things I've experienced also. Once I get on and I'm half expecting Cash to get jumpy, he will get jumpy cause I get tense. They know when one of their own is in trouble....in pain or being mistreated in any way and that will bother them. I have my second lesson Wed with my new instructor. She does an energy psychotherapy and is trained in several healing methods. She specializes in helping with fear and trauma issues. I just adore her so far and am hopeful things will improve for Cash and I. Our first session was very interesting in how Cash reacted and came to take part in everything we were doing. Kim said she could tell more what was going on with me by how Cash was reacting. He had a bad kick on his upper leg so I didn't get on him for the first lesson. At the end of our session he was so relaxed. Wed we should be able to do the lesson with me in saddle so that will be even more interesting. Kim also has worked with centered riding from Sally Swift so she will be helping me to be more secure and balanced in my seat.

Comment by Coopersmom_1958 on February 12, 2012 at 8:53pm

He was very relaxed on the ground but when I got on he started to get jumpy. There is an injured horse in the stables and people were banging walls trying to get him to stand up. Every bang and holler got a jump out of him and sidestepping. But I continued on and he did get a little better. He has to get used to noise and not be like the nervous thoroughbreds that are there. It looks like my legs were tense in this photo, pulling up in that fetal position :( 

Comment by Shirley on February 12, 2012 at 3:07am

Good ride?


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