Green-Broke Groom's Blog – April 2010 Archive (3)

Resume Pt. 3 - First Promotion: Novice Groom & Stable Hand

Once you have delivered her to the barn, if you choose to stay while she rides, you are going to have to work hard to not be in the way, because if you are anywhere but the lounge or the parking lot, odds are you are in the way. Riding facilities are built mostly with the horses in mind, and do not often account for horse husbands or other non-essential persons. A horse husband standing in the aisle is like a piece of china in a bull shop.

I started standing in the aisle during the… Continue

Added by Green-Broke Groom on April 21, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Resume Pt. 2 - Entry level: Personal Driver

This is the one job that I'm sure 90% of all horse husbands have had. This is also the only job where you can play a role in your partner's horse activities, while remaining completetly detached from those activities. You just drive her to the right place at the right time, and either leave to do something else while she rides, or you sit with a book or a video game and wait. For some horse husbands, this is where their career starts and ends. They consider this their contribution, and have no… Continue

Added by Green-Broke Groom on April 17, 2010 at 10:58am — 2 Comments

The Resume of One Horse Husband

Over the past 7 years, I have watched as my girlfriend has returned to making horses and riding a significant part of her life. She rode as a kid, and now as an adult is 'returning to the saddle' and building on what she has loved from an early age.

She has held various positions since I've known her: barn help, working student, apprentice trainer, and now horse owner. Each one has expanded her expertise and given her the confidence to plan for the time when we will have a place of… Continue

Added by Green-Broke Groom on April 16, 2010 at 1:30am — 3 Comments

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