So be honest… before buying your groceries who looks at the list of ingredients on the back of the box as well as the appealing tag lines on the front? Probably not many of us, but now the research indicates that we are becoming much more aware of the true contents of the beautifully packaged and photographed goods on display. We have learnt that ‘90% fat free’ actually means 10% fat, which is a high fat content and probably also includes a high sugar content. We have learnt that ‘100% natural’ can cover all sorts of sins, and that your strawberry smoothie can also contain a number of cheaper fruits including oranges and other fillers. We have learnt to be more discriminating and we now expect more honesty and accuracy in labelling.


So what has this got to do with horses William? Well, I think we have a problem with the labelling of our sport horses. More honesty and accuracy in labelling our horses would avoid many of us being led astray in our horse purchases and in many cases save us money. Let me give you an example from the world of horse trials. After the Hong Kong Olympics Gold Medal success of the wonderful grey “Holsteiner“ Marius, ridden by the flying German dentist Hinrich Romeike, Mark Todd was quoted as saying that this proved that now all types of horses, including warm bloods, could win in high level horse trials. But look up the breeding of Marius and you will find that he is in fact three quarters thoroughbred.

Let me give you a better example. Ingrid Klimke was also a member of the Gold Medal winning German team in Hong Kong, riding the superb “Hannoverian” FRH Butts Abraxxas, who has been a vital part of their senior team for the last six major championships. Only three weeks ago after his superb performance at Aachen there was a headline on an article about Ingrid Klimke saying “Hannoverian Butts Abraxxas my best ever.” But here is the truth, Butts Abraxxas is seven eights thoroughbred. Yes that’s right, 87.5% thoroughbred!


The same applies to the winners of both the recent World Cup finals in Las Vegas. Third time show jumping winner, Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum’s brilliant “Hannoverian” Shutterfly is at least half thoroughbred, with several non Hannoverian elements, while the KWPN (Dutch) Ravel, winner of the Grand Prix Dressage both there and in Aachen recently is almost half thoroughbred, also with several non Dutch elements. So if all these horses were packaged it would be more accurate in each and every case to describe them as thoroughbred.

Of course we all know that we only use the term thoroughbred to describe a full 100% thoroughbred, which is part of the problem and a major reason why we have this inaccurate labeling that leads us astray. We are led astray because these ‘warmblood’ studbooks also have horses which have little thoroughbred in them or no thoroughbred…yet we need the thoroughbred, because in the main these are the best performers, and we need to know both how much thoroughbred and which thoroughbred genes are in the breeding.


So the answer to the question ‘which is the most successful sport horse studbook in the world’, is surprising because it is the one rarely claiming credit for any success. It is Weatherby’s General Stud Book for Thoroughbreds.

Many elite performers actually carry a majority of TB blood, despite being registered as Selle Francais, Holsteiner, Dutch or other breed. Warmblood studbooks are not closed in the same way as Weatherby’s, and have all used TBs extensively to improve their breed over the past 60 years. Make no mistake these European stud books have done a great job with their breeding and testing programmes but the thoroughbred element is of crucial importance. Another good example is Darien Powers, double Sydney medallist for Andrew Hoy and considered the ultimate warmblood event horse. Yet Darien Powers is 3/4 TB. In show jumping, Rodrigo Pessoa’s Selle Francais Baloubet De Rouet, also three time winner of the World Cup final, is a great advertisement for his studbook. But look at his pedigree and the truth is revealed. He is 1/2 TB and like Shutterfly carry the bloodlines of great racehorse sires, including Dark Ronald, St Simon, Phalaris and Nearco.

Surprisingly the same is often true in Dressage. Ahlerich, German maestro Reiner Klimke’s Westphalian dressage World Champion, is often cited as the best of all time, yet is by the TB Angelo, also the damsire of another legendary dressage horse, Rembrandt. As Dr Thomas Lehmann, former head of the Westphalian State Stud, said: “You must have TB blood for elasticity.”


The wow factor of modern dressage is enhanced by the quality and lightness of the TB. For example the German National Stud has made great use of the TB Prince Thatch, who is in the top 10 dressage sires, and the British-bred TB Lauries Crusador is a producer of real dressage talent. He was Hanoverian Stallion of the Year in 2006…now that’s an eye opener…and he has had a considerable influence on the breed. His son, Laurentianer, won the 2000 World Young Dressage Horse title, while another son, Londonderry, was champion of the Hanoverian stallion licensing in 1997 and went on to take the German four-year-old title.

The removal of the requirement to carry a minimum weight in International competition, the increasing demand for speed, quality and athleticism, and the increase in female riders at all levels have all increased the need for and use of the Thoroughbred in all disciplines. However because the European marketing system concentrates on creating desirable brands, the TB influence often goes unrecognised. We begin to believe the hype about these brands and the packaging without checking out the ingredients (genes) in greater detail.


Of course many of us don’t want elite performers. So the recipe will be a little different. I totally love pony blood, native breeds, and any genes that breed true ….and in particular have gold medal minds. Lucky the riders who have such a horse or pony. Happy days. William


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Comment by William Micklem on July 22, 2009 at 2:20am
Thank you so much Mary....it has been wonderful to get such positive responses to my blogs. Happy days. William
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on July 21, 2009 at 9:58pm
Thanks William! I will be sure to read part two. I do love your blogs, and although it was a while ago that you posted it, I certainly agree with your comments on the training scale.
Comment by William Micklem on July 21, 2009 at 2:01am
Yes of course Mary you are so right...am coming onto this in part two. The interesting thing is that so many of the warm bloods have an extra dose of Arab in the last 2 to 4 generations..it undoubtedly works well. You sound a positive person...the horse world needs you! William
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on July 20, 2009 at 8:00pm
And if you go one step further back, you may include Arab in that "much-maligned and concsiously forgotten" category, as the TB breed that we know today was wholly descended from 3 Arab lines that were gifts to the British back in the day. :-) So there you have it....the ultimate mutt....the warmblood! LOL I have one myself, and have worked with all the referred-to breeds, and love them all...."even" the TBs and the Arabs!
Thank you for posting this, William.
Comment by Highdale on July 19, 2009 at 12:54pm
Ooops, the link thing doesn't work and not sure how to fix that.
Another quick note, if you see XX against a name in a pedigree, that denotes a TB.
Comment by Highdale on July 19, 2009 at 12:51pm
Well done William!

This is an error that I find myself constantly correcting, the TB is just not given credit where it's due.
We should go back to calling these horses 'Part/ half/ 3 quarter Breds', the term actually means .. part bred TB .. one of my brood mares is a 'part bred' mare, She is by Odysseus, who is always refered to as a Hanoverian, in fact he's not, he's an Anglo Hanoverian.
He is by Orbis who has both Dark Ronald and Bay Ronald 3 times each, so you see he is in fact a 'half bred'.
Look at his pedigree and you will find many more TB's on his Dam's side too, if you click my link it will show Odysseus pedigree, then start clicking on any name you like and it will open a new 5 generation pedigree for that horse, you can go back as far as the beginnings of the TB.

Take note of how many times you see a horse described as Hanoverian, and find that it has a TB sire ;)
There are a few other breeds in there too :)


BTW, we invented the warmblood....Shire, Clyde, Suffolk, X'd with a TB would be a warmblood, just like the ISH ;)
Comment by onlyme on July 19, 2009 at 9:10am
great post!
although you forgot to mention that the ISH is usually tb crossed with something else :) and that is why they are one of the most successful studbooks :)
Warmbloods are a cross between a cold blood and a hot blood (usually a tb) i think? is that correct?
I am always on the lookout for a tb x connie - they are the ultimate sport horse imo :)
And I always find the tb sterotype amusing - my horse is 3/4 tb and is very lazy!
Comment by Laura on July 18, 2009 at 8:24pm
I had no idea so many of my favorite "warmbloods" were really TB's - per se. That was very interesting information to learn. :D
Comment by Jen B on July 18, 2009 at 4:42pm
Thanks for the ringing endorsement of the much deserved (and often maligned) thoroughbred. And especially for a tip of the hat to pony breeds. I am a huge connemara fan and consider myself blessed with an amazing young TB/connemara cross.
Comment by Desirea Herrera on July 18, 2009 at 9:45am
Glad to hear someone have the same opinion.

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