Mares Currently due to foal at Mulligans Run Farm We currently have four mares on cam #1. On the top left we have Piper. Piper is a fatty even when she's not pregnant. This makes her breathe harder when she's laying down...also giving false impressions of labor. We have tried to get weight off her....she has dropped some, but looks as big as can be carrying this foal. She is due 4/2 but has a full tight bag - the biggest in the barn. On the top Right we have Shanza Blue. Shanza is my favorite mare and has always given us pinto fillies. She is a sweetheart and was due 3/19. She has a nice bag and is progressing well. Painted Lady is in the bottom left stall. She was due 3/17 and is bagging up quickly. This is the first time she has foaled for us so we aren't sure what her patterns are. We were told she would get foal colic afterward, so we are prepared with banamine,etc. Tonja is in the bottom right cam. She always holds her tail up, like an arabian, so don't let her fool youinto thinking that she's foaling. You'll know it when she goes. She was due 3/16 and has a bag, but normally gets much bigger. However we had one mare that always bags up that had no bag and foaled outside. This year has been wacky. On cam #2 we have Rowdy - she is a Regumate mare that always foals around 300 days. We take her off the Regumate at 300 days and she foals 5 days after. This year we took her off the Regumate on 3/8 (300 days) and you can see that she is past her normal foaling dates. Our girls have gone over this year....and they are backing up. We only have 5 stalls for foaling, and now the overflow stall in another barn. So we are hoping they will get it in gear and get back on track. Thanks SO much for watching and joining us in the stables.!!!
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