You provide your horse with plenty of fresh hay and regular grain feedings, but still he feels the desire to gnaw on his stall or pasture fencing like a beaver. Wondering why wood chewing occurs and what you can do to stop it? We’ve got the answers for you.

Why Horses Chew Wood

Many foals chew wood when they are first discovering and using their teeth, but most horses quickly grow out of this behavior. For those that don’t, though, underlying issues may be at work. Horses may chew wood out of boredom, but ingesting wood can also indicate a nutritional deficiency.

Cribbing, on the other hand, is a similar behavior but doesn't result in the ingestion of wood. Treating a horse that cribs requires a different approach than preventing a horse from chewing wood.

The following solutions can help to stop your wood chewer.

Increase Turnout Time

Boredom can often cause wood chewing, especially for an active horse. If your horse chews wood primarily while in his stall, try to increase his time outside to see if that makes a difference. You may try relocating his stall to a more centralized, active point in the barn. Introducing a turnout buddy can also make a difference for a horse who chews wood out of boredom.

Examine Diet

Poor nutrition can cause a horse to chew wood in a natural attempt to get sufficient nutrients. If your horse has a wood chewing issue, examine his diet carefully. Providing additional roughage can keep your horse occupied for longer periods of time, giving him something to do with his mouth. It is also a good idea to consult an equine nutritionist to determine if your horse’s diet is lacking. Hay testing and examining the nutritional value of the grain that you are feeding will likely be steps that you will take to assess your horse’s diet.

Apply Paints and Sprays

If diet changes and turnout time do not improve your horse’s wood chewing issue, then it may be time to take additional measures. Applying anti-chew paints and sprays available at tack stores and equine retailers can help to deter your horse from chewing wood.

Use Metal Mesh

Wrapping wood in a tight metal mesh will physically prevent your horse from chewing on it. This technique works best on fence posts, trees, the corners of a barn, and stall doors. When you apply the mesh, be sure that it covers the entire wood surface and do a final check to sand or bend off any sharp edges or points.

Wood chewing can be damaging to both your property and to your horse’s health. It is best to get to the root of the problem, if possible, when keeping your horse from chewing wood.

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Original Source: How to Stop Your Horse from Chewing Wood

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