When I was about 6 years old, my cousin moved to Kentucky. She started riding by the time we went up to visit for the first time. I was 7 when I got to ride one of their horses, Freckles. I always liked horses, but riding Freckles made me love them. It made me feel so happy being up in that saddle. Feeling his every mood. Ever since that experience, I always wanted a horse. When I was.. eh, I'd say about 8, my cousin was in town and she made me a Barnmice account. I was so into it. It only made my love for the animal rise. I kept asking. Not until I was 11 did I ever realize that it would never happen. My parents can't afford it. When I was 12, I finally could go back to Kentucky and ride. I stayed there for a month and rode almost everyday. While there, I felt happy every single day. Now I am 13. I know how much they are, how much responsibility they are, and that my parents can't afford one. ALL I WANT is to ride. Not own one, but ride. I looked into it, found a barn (http://matanzasfarm.com/) and emailed the owner for price. $50 a lesson. I told my parents, only asking for at least once a month to ride for fun. They said, "Oh we will get into it in July." It is now November, almost December. I just want to try it out!! :(

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