Lesson went well Frankie is starting to respect my inside leg on circles and ease off it.
I learnt if I open my rein a little before I start to ask for bend he understands and can get his big ol' butt to come in.

Frankies Plan:
I ride Frankie 5-6 times a week so he's in top phys. condition and out of those rides two are lessons.
Heres my plan to get ready for show season:
Warm up: 1 way around on rail at walk both directions,
2 at trot both directions on the rail
Figure eight ( as many as it takes till im happy ) at trot
3 loop serpentine or teardrop serpentine at trot

5 minute walk break

Start to work: 3 loop serpentine with trot-walk transitions in the center.
Clover circles ( 3 circles connecting ) at trot
w/t dressage test training level - 2 times.
Extended trot from point a to point b.
Canter w/o corner and circle at E
Canter w/o corner the other direction and circle at B
Walk-Canter transitions across the diagonal
Canter-walk downward transitions on the rail.

Cooldown: 5 figure eights at walk
10-15 min ( depending on circumstances ) on the rail at walk

Rileys Plan:
Riley is currently free leased but I ride him whenever aslong as I give notice ( hes in a small lesson string for advanced riders)

Ride him once a week,

warm up : 2 ways on the rail at walk (both directions )
2 ways on the rail at trot ( both directions )
3 figure eights at trot with walk transitions in the center

Start to work: Extended trot with looser rein on the rail changing directions across diagonal.
trot poles both directions
Canter on rail both directions once
canter to trot transitions on a figure eight.
trot in trot out 3 2' crossrails
trot in canter out 3 2' verticals w/ 1 crossrail
canter in canter out 4 2' verticals ended with a looserein ( hunter style ) trot circle

cool down : 15-20 minutes walk on the rail with loose rein.

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