Sono scomparsa per un po' da barnmice ma... eccomi di ritorno!

Un saluto a tutti gli amici italiani di Barnmice. Non mi sono loggata per veramente tanto tempo, semplicemente perchè sono stata incasinatissima ad avviare la mia nuova attività... una scuderia vicino a Novara!! Il mio maneggio si chiama Lasiria Stable & Country Club e si trova a Cameri. Ho acquistato il posto a settembre del 2008 e da allora non ho avuto più un attimo di fiato! Tantissimi lavori da fare, 38 cavalli da gestire, insomma... un delirio! Ma sono felicissima di avere realizzato questo sogno. Vi invito a visitare il sito della mia scuderia, che si chiama . Carico qui sul mio profilo qualche foto... e approfitto per farvi conoscere qualcuno dei miei amati quadrupedi! Ciao a tutti! Anna

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Comment by Iltuocavallo on February 2, 2010 at 12:18pm
Hi!!! Yes! Sorry for disappearing... but I never thought I would be so much into it, building and starting this new activity! Sooo much work! I bought the place on the end of 2008 and have been strenuously working there for the past year. The start-up period was really hard, but it's been really a big success for me. i'd never thought I could do it... but now... we just finished building the indoor arena... I published some pictures right now. I scarcely had the time to manage the iltuocavallo website, that's the reason why you didn't hear from me for such a long time. There's still lots to do here, but now the stable is working and we have lots of events going on. Since las month we have become the official Monty Roberts Learning Center in Italy... you can imagine what an amount of work it is! I suggested Gabriel and Christiane, the MB Certified Instructors who are working here at my place, to open a Barnimce account and tell everybody about their work on your community. I saw that Barnmice is growing faster and faster and I'm so happy about it! You really did a great job!
Comment by Barnmice Admin on February 2, 2010 at 12:06pm
Welcome back, Anna! My attempt to understand Italian has translated that you have a new position at Lasiria Stable & Country Club where the are lots of horses and you are loving it! Was I close?

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