Freda's Comments

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At 3:14pm on August 3, 2009, Coopersmom_1958 said…
Hi Freda, hope you are enjoying your summer too! I have had to cut down to one lesson a week for financial reasons. I have not had many lessons because of rain since the lesson barn has moved to their outdoor summer location. I am so out of shape now, have a hard time getting off and on horse and just walking around. I think I have had only a handful of lessons since May!!
The level 1 western riding exam was booked for July 27 but we were only able to do the written and oral part of it because the arena was too muddy for riding. I was so nervous leading up to that day and my stomach is still bothering me, I think I may have an ulcer!!
I passed that part, now to get the riding part over with. Usually they don't do these exams at the outdoor lesson barn, I wish they had of waited until we moved back to the winter location.
I am still doing ground work with my boy Cooper. He turned 3 on June 28 but I am in no hurry to get on him, not until he grows some more and fills out. I wish we had a round pen, I would love to do some of the work with Cooper in that.
At 3:00pm on July 27, 2009, i_love_rain said…
thats great that your comeing again. i dont think i wouldvr lasted another year without ya!. i need a riding putting picures of me and kaos up. he looks really good.. you can comment on them if you want to!:) xoxo! byee for now
At 2:07am on July 27, 2009, i_love_rain said…
i misss youu!! going to be uploading more pictures to my barnmmice account soon..hes a beautie..your kohla looks great..and penny and chance are lookin fine:)
At 1:00am on June 16, 2009, Freda said…
Great to hear from you Sav., I miss you all soooo very much. I'm still enjoying it here. Keeping myself busy. On the internet I found someone with fence panels for sale, so I bought 20 of them. It was quite a job getting them all put together. Now the horses won't be able to bend the wire trying to get the grass on the other side!!! I'm very glad to know that you & Kaos are getting along so fine. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to get along with your horse or dog. It's awesome to know that they trust you so much. I will be getting to the island this summer, but I don't know when. I have to find someone reliable to look after my animals. ,,,,see you this summer, Luv?Hugs, >>>Freda
At 5:43pm on June 15, 2009, i_love_rain said…
hi freda!! you have to comedown for some of te summer!! kaos is doing are you and the horses??? i miss ya lots! we need to go riding so i can show you all the things you tought me..and all the things i worked on and got alot better at! bye talk to you later -savannah
At 3:06pm on April 13, 2009, Coopersmom_1958 said…
Hi Freda, ACL is in the knee, anterior cruciate ligament, I think human athletes get the same thing too. Piper was attacked by another dog, hit in the knee and tore the ligament. About a year after the surgery her other knee was starting to bother her too, which is common when one goes. My husband hand walked her with a towel and she recovered from the second one without surgery. Although they say it returns to normal, I don't believe it, she gets very sore and limps real bad when she gets off the leash and runs around.
I want to trail ride with Cooper. My daughter wants to do english, jumping. So I have to train him both. I am loping now without holding the horn and I should try english too. I have a lower limb prosthesis and decided to do western as it is more comfortable for me. And I like western better LOL!!
At 12:46pm on April 13, 2009, i_love_rain said…
aww...haha well....kaos is currently in trying to see if i can get holger to trailer him down with me..because i already have a plcae to put him for about a week...and if you come..can you bring chance?!?! anyway talk to you later:) byee
At 9:16am on April 13, 2009, Coopersmom_1958 said…
Yes! The horse world is absolutely amazing! I don't know why I waited so long to follow my dream as a kid.
Cooper is such a good boy, very mellow, he does get a little excited at times, he's learning and so am I. My heart jumps in my throat sometimes, but I am trying to control that, I try to stay calm so he sees that its not bothering mommy LOL!
They are the absolute best for physical and emotional therapy. I take western lessons twice a week and the pain is reduced while I am riding.
Your dogs and horses are gorgeous! It's wonderful your dogs can go on trails with you. I can't take my dog with me, she doesn't listen. She can't come off of her leash, she had ACL surgery in 2005 and gets very sore when she runs. Sorry for the long post, nice to chat with other horse enthusiasts!
At 12:23am on March 29, 2009, i_love_rain said…
what ever happend to tai???...
At 12:17am on March 29, 2009, i_love_rain said…
nope i dont ride my friends horses anymore..i ride my OWN horse!! i love him to peices..hes my boy:) his name is kaos
At 2:32pm on March 28, 2009, i_love_rain said…
aww! im soo glad to hear shes well! i miss her sooo much! how are you? how is everyone?!
At 8:06pm on August 3, 2008, Barnmice Admin said…
Hi Freda, one more thing. I gave you a bit of misinformation in that you don't actually have to double click (although it doesn't matter if you do), but your curser should turn into a pointing hand, rather than the regular arrow before you click . Pls. let me know how you are doing. It also occurs to me that perhaps you might try to view a video on You Tube to see if that works.
At 6:34pm on August 3, 2008, Barnmice Admin said…
Now to Blogs and widgets...
Blogs are little stories or opinions or observations that you would like to post on the site. You will find the blogs on the home page of Barnmice if you scroll down the centre column below the Olympic information. Click on some of them and read them and you will get a feel for what they are. I'll get to Widgets when you are finished exploring Blogs. Also, if you have a moment, in the Discussions column, I have posted a discussion called "Helpful Site Tips" Perhaps it will help you a bit. I am happy to help you, so feel free to ask about anything at all that confuses you :)
At 6:31pm on August 3, 2008, Barnmice Admin said…
That's ok Freda - I didn't understand a thing before I began creating this community!
Ok, so first about the video. All of the stuff across the top of your own computer page, we will just leave for now, as that doesn't apply to the videos. Now, let's say you want to watch the Just a Horse video. That video is located on the home page of the site. Find that video and do a quick "double click". Now, if that doesn't work, please let me know what you are using to explore the Internet. Explorer 6? Firefox? We'll go from there.
At 6:05pm on August 3, 2008, Freda said…
I don't understand what Blogs/Widgets are? Maybe this is all tooo saphisticated for me, I just like doing the odd photo, & riding my horse.
At 5:57pm on August 3, 2008, Freda said…
I double click, ......nothing!
I click on 'file', & the drop down window gives me a 'print'.
At 5:17pm on August 3, 2008, Barnmice Admin said…
Hi Freda,
I am happy to help you with your video viewing problem. The way to view a video is to pick one you want to see and double click on it. It will then open and start playing automatically. That is all you do.

If the viideo has been added from You Tube, you do the same thing, but also have click on the "Play" triangle in the middle and it starts to play. Please let me know what happens on your end and I will be happy to help you in any way that I can.

p.s. I don't have a "Print" button associated with videos. Is that button on the site, or the top of your tool bar?

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