Healthy Eating Tips: Carbohydrates - Simple and Complex

The effect of simple and complex carbohydrates on blood sugar levels/energy

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Comment by Elizabeth Levitt on February 28, 2008 at 8:39pm
Janet, thanks for the reply. I am glad that the information presented was helpful. It's really amazing to feel the change in your energy levels when you are eating more appropriate carbs.
Comment by Janet B on February 28, 2008 at 8:02pm
Awesome info. i certainly feel what you are talking about and have heard this before in general conversation. It is great to hear it from a professional source and so well presented! thank-you
Comment by tammy barrett on February 13, 2008 at 10:05pm
I will do my best and report back later!
Comment by Elizabeth Levitt on February 13, 2008 at 9:28pm
Tammy, the key is to try and replace the high sugar foods with more complex carbohydrates which will release sugar more slowly into the bloodstream and will help you break that vicious cycle. Try switching over to high fiber crackers and cereals (for meals or for snacks)or fresh fruit which provide fiber/bulk and vitamins instead of just sugar. When you eat properly, your body will respond by decreasing the amount of sugar that you crave; you will find that you are not hungry for sugar, at all.
Comment by tammy barrett on February 13, 2008 at 8:43pm
The information in your video is really excellent. I am absolutely caught in that vicious cycle. I eat sugar containing foods all day and all evening. When I don't, I crave them like crazy. I heard from a friend that if I cut out those carbs soon I won't crave them but so far, the few times I tried to do that, I most certainly did crave them. It's really terrible. I guess I have to work harder to break that cycle. Do you agree?

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