Some people said Duster was a spooky horse and would not amount to anything. I had to prove them wrong, they were talking about my friend damit

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Comment by Elaine Martin on March 12, 2010 at 6:18am
Wow Victor, those video's are amazing you have done an amazing job, I only wish I could jump on my guys like that, however, I would need a step ladder to get on bareback.
Trust is the key to everything in life and so amazing when you are able to gain the trust of such an amazing animal. Great Job Victor.
Comment by Elizabeth Gardner on March 9, 2010 at 12:43am
Great horse!! You both have it all together which many people only dream of, and or pay big bucks to
get lessons for that natural connection you have. I too owned an appaloosa and he believe it or not was
my dream horse too. They just seem to have the natural connection to very special people who are
sensitive enough to understand them. Way to go Victor!!!
Comment by Coopersmom_1958 on March 6, 2010 at 10:06pm
I love it too!!
This is fabulous, great connection with your equine friend. He really trusts you.
Comment by Shellie on March 5, 2010 at 8:39am
Love it Victor!!
You seem really "in tune" with your horses...I love that too! A lot of horse owners I know don't get into their horses like I do..........but, I am "over the edge" in love with mine!

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