Is there any need for ;newbees' to check out on how a working horse farm works?

Well, when we go back to the big cities we hear so much nonsense about operating a horse farms. We don't want to blame anyone but maybe we can set the record straight. Yes, it's hard work but with some good management skils it can also be a lot of fun and pretty rewarding, also financially and even in todays' time when our economy in general isn't soaring.

But there are some very basic but nevertheless important rules to obey before starting a horse farm. And in the beginning some of the romantic dreams have ti be deferred for a short time at least, Dilligence and plenty of smart decision are necessary to set the right frame work for future success.
I'm sure with the right guidance our "newbees" can quickly understand the Pros and Cons of a working farm and with some additional coaching from us can manage, that the Pros will prevaile.

With Vocation Vacations we're planning to set up a '3-day-curriculum', including practical work from fixing fences to grooming horses and not to forget mucking stalls, but we're also discussing nutrition, preventive health care, re-production as well as farm management, H&R basics, Profit and Loss statements and a few tax considerations and much more, Day 2 of the 3-day-course will mainly refect on horse performance, training, show prep and horse sales. In the afternoon the course ends with an exciting field trip to a major horse health Center and an Equine Wellness Center and weather permitting into an smal-scale endurance ride. For people seriously interested in buying their horse property in Ocala and Marion or Levy County there is an option to join a free site-check tour by air in a 6-seater Aircraft, so they can easily see the equestrian structure of the region from above. We had pleople in the past who drove immediately to a property right after landing for an interior check.

But the intention of this offer is more like giving an opportunity to check out what livestyle may come with a working farm, what responsibilities and if they like this. Sometimes is good you spend a tousand bucks to figure out insted of burning tens or hundreds of thoussand bucks and in many cases you cannot walk away from a horse or livestock farm and just leave.

Out intended 3-Day-Course on a 100 acre working farm, an active farm for Boarding and Training, later operation for Dressage, Jumping, thre popular Hunter Jumper and last not least the Evebting and Western Sport will give you an overview and at the same time information in depth.

Alice Stuebling-Salm is for all her life a professional trained rider who is today a professional rider and trainer herself. She was a student of Anne Gribbons, German based Alexander Richter, German born but US based Siegfried Winkler, And in recent years also in performance riding with Julia Schmid, FN-Verband, Bereiter-Meister, sowie Wolfgang Kutting, USDF, FN-Verband, German Grand Prix Judge. Alice' husband iand co-owner of Whispering Dream is a former sport teacher, professional soccer player from Germany and an Austrian ski-enthusiast with 2 dozen more sport ambitions from sailing to horse riding and training.

Please folks, let us know in this blog waht you tink and if by this 3-day-course we can present our farm life appealing but with care so we can keep potential frustrations out of this.

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