While your pets have come into your lives to learn from you, they’ve also come to teach. After communicating with hundreds of animals over the years, I’m still amazed at how often we miss their teachings.

Lessons range from showing us how to play again to teaching us about illness within ourselves from storing unresolved, negative emotions. The roles our pets play in our lives is directly proportional to our needs.

These selfless teachers appear when the student is ready. Given what I do, I’m fortunate to be the student of more than just my own animals. I’m grateful to each, because I wouldn’t be who I am without them.

One such teacher was a new-borne filly. Her mother’s people sent the mare to foal at our farm although they weren’t regular clients. The thrill of her birth was short-lived. When she went out for the first time, she couldn’t move beyond a walk. Her hind leg appeared perfectly normal, but in motion it acted deformed.

My husband, the horse vet, was at a loss. He found no reason for her inability to trot or canter. It was heartbreaking and depressing. How could a completely normal looking foal be deformed?

A friend, who called me, sensed my sadness. I explained the situation. Excitedly he replied, “Let me clear her!” I knew he was into something unusual, but I didn’t know what. What did we have to lose, so I said, “Go ahead.” He cleared her, whatever that meant, while I stayed on the phone.

The next morning, we I turned the mare and foal out and watched the filly gallop across the field with no restrictions – TOTALLY NORMAL! We looked at each other stunned. We’d done nothing else for her.

So, you ask, “Did you get her lesson?” Well, sort of. Watching the filly romp around the pasture with her mother just like any other foal was a delight. Her gift was to crack open my closed, pharmacist mind a tad bit, but it didn’t create any action on my part.

I was curious and asked my friend what he did. He cleared her using Spiritual Response Therapy, a healing modality developed for people that removes past life negative influences. All righty then….

Once the filly left, I got distracted by all the responsibilities of a horse farm, vet office and equine hospital. While I was pleased that we sent home a healthy filly, I didn’t investigate any further.

So, as the universe always does, it sends another teacher when the student is a little slow. About a month later, we foaled a beautiful colt, who was perfect physically. His “deformity” was mental/emotional. He was terrified of people.

Many foals were shy initially, but with patience I’d win their trust fairly quickly. No matter how long I quietly sat in his stall, he wouldn’t come to me. I was at a loss. We could catch him to turn him out, but not easily. If I tried to gently pat him, he’d cringe and lean away from my hand. It just broke my heart.

What did I have to lose? I called my friend, who generously agreed to help again. The very next morning, I was out in the colt’s field bent over cleaning their water tub. I sensed him approaching, but kept scrubbing waiting to see what happened. This was the first time he’d ever come close.

All of a sudden I felt him poking me with his nose and then rubbing it all over my back. I very slowly stood up and began stoking him. He loved it and leaned in for more. Could this be another miracle?

“Okay Universe, you’ve got my attention!” The changes in these foals were nothing short of astonishing. I’d been foaling mares for 13 years and riding horses for 44 years. My expertise told me that what I was seeing was not possible, but the results were undeniable.

Bam Bam stayed sound. Coal stayed self-confident and friendly. The Universe was showing me that both physical and emotional issues could be healed using Spiritual Response Therapy. My peaked curiosity turned into an intense need to learn SRT. There were so many animals that could benefit from this unorthodox modality.

I called my friend, who’d cleared the two foals and exclaimed, “I need to learn how to do this!” I began the coursework offered by the developer of the process. There was a significant amount of study and practice necessary to become proficient. It didn’t matter to me that it had been created for people; I’d had two amazing teachers that showed me it worked with horses and no doubt all species.

Luckily, animals began to show up that needed this method of healing. In the beginning, I wondered if the results were permanent. Horses that were my husband’s patients answered that for me. I discovered over time that this was a complete healing: the changes were permanent.

SRT is a powerful, magical process that gives me a solution to many challenges facing my clients and their animal companions. For example, SRT is very effective with animals that have extreme fears of loud noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks and gun shots. I’m still amazed when I hear from a client that their pet’s fears no longer exist. I just never get used to the miracle of its effectiveness. And, I hope I never do.

SRT is a powerful and unique healing modality functioning at the soul level. In agreement with an individual’s soul, I identify emotional pro¬grams running at the cellular level, many of which are rooted in past lives. The soul undergoes a spiritual education to recognize the programs’ purposes, then release them and replace them with harmonious energy.
Results range from subtle improvements in emotional stability and coping with daily life to dramatic changes in medical and/or behavioral challenges. SRT never interferes with the soul’s present life purpose or its free will.

My role is minimal compared to that of the client’s soul and the spiritual beings working with it. Prior to communicating with animals, I’d never thought much about spiritual beings. When I began communicating, I realized that something or someone was orchestrating the connection between me and the animals I talked with. In 18 years, there’s never been a mistake; never!

Studying SRT opened my awareness even further. Not only are there spiritual beings available to assist us with healing ourselves and others, but they are accessible to all who ask for their help. They are ready, willing, loving and humble beings.

The results I observed in my clients couldn’t be attributed to anything else. To embrace them, I had to accept the existence of past lives, and therefore reincarnation; two more things I’d never considered before. SRT opened my limited, pharmacist’s view of healing to include spiritual healing; something I’d never even imagined possible.

The animals’ improvements showed me that something miraculous had happened; something beyond the physical realm. They led me to another major piece of the puzzle of my life’s purpose. Anyone can learn SRT, but things are facilitated if it’s in alignment with your soul’s purpose as it was with mine.

Bam Bam and Coal opened my awareness to SRT. Hundreds of animals and people since have solidified my beliefs in SRT, past lives, reincarnation and the existence of spiritual beings, who I refer to as “my spiritual helpers.” I’ll never be able to thank these two foals enough for opening my rigid, scientific mind to the possibilities for healing that reside outside the realm of our five senses. They are truly unlimited!

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