Well, I feel I left a story untold.  So, I will quickly tell you all that Belle and I happily completed our first endurance ride last May- we actually placed 13th in a field of 30 - so I was pretty happy.  And maybe a bit over confident as we sent in entries to go all the way up to Mendocino to a ride in the redwoods.  SEEMED like a wonderful idea - camping, company, and a ride.  But the haul up was a basic nightmare - instead of an easy 9 hours, we were in the truck for 12, I was so tired when I drove up the drive, I took out the gate at the entrance.  Then we unloaded the horses, tied them beside the trailer and  went to check in, and Aries and Belle decided to kick each other - both got cuts on their hind legs.  We managed to pass the vet check, and they both seemed 'ok' the next morning when we started.  But Robin was going for the 50 miler, and I was doing 30.  So we rode on our own.  Well, Belle stressed.  She could NOT settle and would NOT drink.  At the 1/2 way point, I opted to pull her - even though we managed to pass the vet check.  She was clearly borderline colic - and I gave her Banamine and about 3 hours later she pooped, so we were past the colic crisis.  Meanwhile, Robin didn't come in at lunch, and I started hearing that 'someone' had a fall and was riding out Very slowly.  then I heard they were sending the trailer for her and her horse.  Yes, it was Robin!!!  Aries had also been unhappy without his trail partner, and he saw a group in front and took off in a bold trot to catch them.  Robin tried to slow him, and they wound up zigging and zagging and finally his zig became her zag and she fell.  She hurt her back badly enough that she didn't ride for about 6 weeks after that. 


So, our glorious plan ended in humility.  Robin is rethinking her Tevis plans, Belle spent the winter being a carriage horse and now I am so busy with 4H and Louie and horses in training, I do NOT have the time to condition an endurance horse.  But it was a fun undertaking and it really made Belle a better horse. 


Now, I am going to start telling Louie's story - and maybe talk about his first born son!  So, watch for some pictures of a very cute colt!!! 

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Comment by Monica Whitmer on April 7, 2011 at 9:49am

Hi Barbara

Robin recovered well, but it was a bit of a wake up call for her.  Aries was the horse of her dreams - for 10 years ago!!!  Now, she just cannot comfortably ride that big trot for 50+ miles - she got exhausted and she also admits that part of why he trotted away out of control was frustration on his prt because she kept checking him back because she wasn't comfortable with a 12+ mph trot!  For little Belle, I think she could still do endurance - up to the 50 milers, but I am not sure I have the time.  At least I helped a friend chase her dream for a little while and I have PROMISED Robin that if she goes to Tevis, I WILL crew for her.  I think we need to go up this year and volunteer or something  - just to get a handle on the competition. 


One thing I learned was that I had a completely WRONG attitude about endurance riders.  People who stick with it are some of the finest horsemen out there - they KNOW their horses, they know saddle fit, and foot care and feeding and how to stay in balnace with a horse in motion.  I used to think they were all a bunch of Yahoos just galloping up and down hills.  I was SO wrong.  You can't do that and finish!  At least I can say I completed a 25 mile endurance ride.  Check that off of the bucket list! 

Comment by Barbara F. on April 7, 2011 at 9:38am

My goodness, what an adventure! I hope Robin is none the worse for wear. I do think it was worthwhile trying the ride, as it was something you wanted to pursue - easy for me to say, since I didn't have to go through it.

Thank you for sharing your story and I look forward to many more!

p.s. It sounds like your horse is incredibly versatile!

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