Take Advantage of 15 years of European Mistakes

Take Advantage of 15 years of European MistakesHorseGuard Fencing is the LEADING choice for European horse fencing, currently protecting two out of three horses.Before this, many misconceptions led people to make uninformed choices.

Here are the ten most common mistakes that were made : 

1. White tape was chosen for appearance alone. People had a difficult time believing that brown or green tape was actually more visible to the horse, and therefore more effective than white tape.

2. People believed any size tape would do, failing to take into account that the horse is near sighted and has blurred vision.

3. Some bought tape with copper conductors, thinking any electrical wire would carry the same flow with the same efficiency, only to have to replace it the next year.

4. Others learned the costly lesson that " UV protected polyester " only lasted a few years.

5. People learned the hard way that poorly designed insulators would end up cutting the tape.

6. Insulators were repeatedly replaced until people realized that flexible plastic insulators designed to survive weather challenges drastically reduces maintenance.

7. The value of open weave, which is SO critical to reduce wind resistance, wasn't appreciated as people chose problem-filled closely woven designs.

8. The voltage of fence chargers was not measured. 2 000 to 3 000 volts is adequate all around the fence.

9. Solar fence chargers were chosen for convenience without measuring the Joules output. (An efficient solar panel has to be 2 ft. by 2 ft. in order to provide 10 amp./hour for a 1 joule fence charger).

10. Many failed to realize that 8 out of 10 times the ground rod is the weak link of an electric fence.These issues and much more are discussed in the Horse Guard Fence manual, so I suggest you take the time to read the enclosed pages.HorseGuard Fence products are designed for the horse, and made more efficient for the human !I hope sharing fifteen years of experience and extensive research will help you reach an informed decision regarding the method you choose to protect your horse. The enclosed samples of tape are for your convenience, to allow you to compare quality of design and construction with other products. The mass production of HorseGuard fencing products to meet our demands in Europe makes HorseGuard an affordable solution around the world.

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