The Top Five Reasons for Investing in a Round Bale Feeder for Your Horses

Round bale feeders are becoming one of the most popular ways for feeding horses, having many advantages over other types of feeder, and ensuring that your horses are able to get just the amount of hay that they need, without having to fight over it and without wasting hay – ultimately saving you money. This post will look at the top five reasons why you should invest in a round bale feeder for your horse.

1.       They Are Safer Than Other Types of Feeder

Round bale feeders are generally considered safer than other types of feeder.  For example, round bale feeders need to be secured safely, meaning less risk to the horses from faulty equipment.  They are also designed with smooth edges which means that the horses’ risk of catching themselves on sharp edges or corners is considerably less with round bale feeders than other types of feeder.

2.       They Are Less Work For You

The way round bale feeders work is that they are designed to only allow horses to access a certain amount of hay at once, meaning that you will need to change them less frequently.  If you place your round bale feeder near the entrance point to your field or somewhere where a truck or 4 x 4 can access it easily during the poorest weather, you will find it very easy to change the bales.  Round bale feeders can be used to feed over periods of time rather than having to adhere to strict feeding times which can be hard work for those who are too busy to stick to this type of schedule.

3.       They Encourage Better Eating For Your Horses

If you give your horses unlimited access to hay, they will eat it.  This can mean that they become overweight and unhealthy, and can make them more prone to injuries.  By using a round bale feeder, you limit the amount of access that a horse has to hay, and, therefore, encourages more ‘sensible’ eating (if only there was the same principal for humans!).  You’ll find that your round bale feeder makes hay go a lot further than other kinds of feeder.

4.       There's Less Waste

Round bale feeders are known for helping to reduce hay waste.  Not only are they positioned above the ground, but the way they are designed means horses are less likely to paw it onto the ground around them.  Keeping hay clean and dry and away from animal soil means that your round bale feeder will stretch further, whilst keeping the horses happy and healthy too.

5.       There's Less Fighting Between Horses

If you’ve ever noticed that your horses fight over access to hay, then a round bale feeder could be a solution to harmony amongst your horses.  The way round bale feeders are designed means that they allow all of the horses access to feed, meaning they’ll be less likely to fight each other over it.  As the amount of hay released is limited, they also won’t be glutinous and try to get more of a share than others, as there will be nothing to fight over.

One of the drawbacks of round bale feeders is that they may cause the ground to become muddy and damp because of the increased activity and footfall in this area.  Limit this risk by regularly moving your round bale feeder or building it over a suitable area.

To explore different types of hay feeder, check out Robinsons Equestrian, the leading supplier of equestrian goods in the UK.


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