The sound one fat 39 year old lady makes hitting the ground off a cantering horse...

Ah, my poor little girl. There was a scary tire with a white rim at the one end by the mounting block. Now just because she inspected it and put her nose on it before I got on her is no reason to think she'd be okay with it. So, we start walking on a loose rein, as we always do. At least once around each direction, just like everyone says you should. And we were at that end, and there was apparently was a noise and off she goes.

Now, I'm not the world's best rider by any stretch of the imagination, but, I have ridden this mare through more temper tantrums and bucking fits than I care to count or admit to. But, her heading for C, me with no reins and just slightly off balance, was not making for a good scene. And right about the time my wobbling leg landed on her side, I realized we were not going to have a good outcome! So I bailed. I can't reasonably recommend it.

That was pretty painful. So, like any reasonably sane rider, I got right up and went and got my horse. And longed her at the end until we were okay. And got back on her. And discussed this spooky thing at the other end where there was a wet spot she didn't like. So, when we were trotting around and not looking at the spot she didn't like (and she was SO unconcerned about the tire at that time, it's hard to believe she spooked at it), I got the hell off!

I swear my ass is twice the size it should be on the one side. Got a great big bruise brewing itself up. And, it hurts.

So, being reasonably sane, what are my thoughts on this... Well, it had been 18 months since I'd hit the ground, so that's a pretty good run. I usually feel okay hitting the ground once a year to remind myself that it's not too horrible. I *am* reasonable sane, aren't I?!?!?!

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Comment by MagsNMe on March 13, 2011 at 10:57pm
Marlene, go for the vest if you really do think it might be necessary.  I have a friend who is riding her 3 year old in a vest, not because he's nasty or anything, but there's the chance, he's young, they do silly things some times.  This is why I always wear my helmet, although I know not everyone does.  Even on my Mom's semi-retired horse (my ex jumper).  Better safe than sorry....   Although I'm not bailing off a cantering horse again, I swear.  Hurts like hell!
Comment by Marlene Thoms on March 13, 2011 at 6:35pm
Ouch, glad you are more or less okay. I've gradually caught on to put ice on booboos because next day they are going to be a lot more sore. I am seriously considering a padded vest if my guy is snarky again this spring. What do you think, should I wear it before I hit the rocky trail, or wait till after the first rodeo ride? Keep in mind I am rather older than you and probably don't heal as quick.
Comment by MagsNMe on March 12, 2011 at 11:09pm
Thanks. That was last night, so the aches are starting. Neck and shoulder make me think it was a good thing I tossed my helmet (it was a couple years old and sweaty anyway). Horses will humble ya, won't they?!
Comment by Barnmice Admin on March 12, 2011 at 10:52pm
Yikes! Been there done that - lots of times!! Hope you're not too sore tomorrow!

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