You know, I love to watch all the horse races when they come on. My family, of nine, and I like to pick out a horse, usually by uniqueness of name, and pick it to come in first, or second or third. The one thing I so enjoy about watching horse racing is being able to sit with family. In my youth of fourteen and three quarters I have noticed something in what seems to be all races. The victorious horse always seems to start in the very, very back. When that horse comes to the final stretch it puts on a burst of speed, comes around, never through but around all the horses and pulls up into the lead. After that it is impossible to catch up to the horse who wins by a number of lengths. My question for all of you avid horse racing fans is why do they always come around and not through and why are they usually the slowest?

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Comment by Jackie Cochran on August 13, 2013 at 9:27am

They are called "come from behind horses", and they do give much more thrilling races.  Not every horse can do this, in fact most race horses don't.

A come from behind horse has to have HEART, endurance, a very good turn of speed at the end of the race, a lot of confidence and no need to "run with the crowd".  It is nice if the horse also is cooperative with the jockey. 


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