Real experiences only please. I was wondering if anybody has owned, trained or bred appendix horses? Temperament, conformation, ability to jump and other english events. I might be getting one, so just want some info on the breed.


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I have a friend that showed an appendix at Spruce Meadows in the international ring, in the 1.5m class! That's the exception, but I have known quite a few that have been ridden english, done jumping and eventing and been great. I have another friend with an appendix now that she jumps and he also has the movement to do dressage. A good one is level-headed and less hot than a full TB, but with the athleticism of the TB.
My first horse was a little Appendix mare. She was as smart and sweet as a QH and almost as athletic as a TB. She evented up to Novice Level and free-jumped to 4'9", before we discovered Navicular disease (which is common in QH's). Beware of the horses conformation- but other than that, I looooved the cross!
Thxs for the reply. Are there alot of Conformation issues in these crosses?
You just have to watch out for the angles of their pasterns... you don't want anything too upright. And bigger feet are nice too. Just to be sure that they shouldn't get Navicular.
I have an appendix, 3/4 Tb 1/4 QH. He isnt the best mover or conformationally corrected.But he has an amazing temperment and trusting soul. But each horse is different. Appendixs can be such a large range it is really hard to say.
I currently own an Appendix QH. He is conformationally very correct. He has wonderful hind quarters and a lovely long, well-placed neck. I have also owned full TBs. I do not see a great deal of difference between the two. My current boy is not the best mover I have ever owned but his gaits are pure. He is one of the smartest horses I have ever owned and his ground manners are impecable. I think a great deal depends upon their early training and bloodliines.

my Oliver is a wild horse..... he came off the nevada range but the indians that bred his herd bred appendix's.... sometimes we call him a Mustang because he truly is a wild horse and he's not registered but the indians that bred him bred the QH's with the TB's..... they seem to have small back feet and stand like a ballerina on the hind end, LOL... to me.... anyway, I think he's fantastic. He is not trusting though he is gentle with me... he is not well behaved with strangers... he's purty though... I wouldn't judge his conformation in this photo. He's a big horse, about 15.3 hands and here he is about 2 years old and growing..... he looks way more proportionate now... I just grabbed this pic to show you... see his feet are small in the back compared to the front????
wow he looks like a nice horse. I used to have a an appendix, he was 15 a little old to be learning how to jump, but now I am looking at a 6 y/o appendix that I want to buy to use for eventing. Do you do any english events with your horse, or is it mainly cattle work and such???
The horse in my profile picture is an appendix. He is amazing! Conformationaly my only issues with him are he has small feet from the QH side and is a little over at the knee but it hasn't caused us any trouble at all. He has jumped to 3'9" so far and shows ability for more and we show First Level dressage (starting to school on Second level at home). He was raced for about 4 years prior to my owning him and he is still sound and happy. I have only been working with him since January and he really did not have a lot of training prior to that so he has come along very quickly. He is very athletic but also pretty level-headed. Obviously it depends on the exact horse, but overall I think Appendix QHs can be excellent horses.
Oliver and I will do trailriding, hanging out, arena work and playing around with reining.... he is really my pet honestly... I rescued him first figuring out the rest as we go along. :)
the profile horse is amazing..... Rachel, Oliver is my horse that I rescued since he was a baby... i just plan on hanging out with him, doing arena work, light reining, trailriding and camping. :)
I've ridden a couple of appendix's(?). They were notably calm, compliant and tolerant of human foibles.


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