Return to Play - are your athletes at risk? Brain Injury 101 - FREE WEBINAR August 24


The Coaches Association of Ontario is partnering with Sunnybrook’s RBC First Office for Injury Prevention to educate coaches, parents, officials and sport administrators on the latest Injury Prevention topics including managing and reintegrating players with injuries and preventing injury from occurring or reoccurring.


Join them for the first webinar: Brain Injury 101


Currently, brain injury is a serious and commonly reported injury for children, adolescents and athletes participating in sports and recreational activity. It is important that everyone (coaches, parents, trainers) understand how to prevent, recognize and manage brain injuries among their athletes and to recognize when an athlete is safe to Return To Play.


Date: August 24, 2010

Time: 12pm EDT

FREE Registration:

(you must register at the above website in order to ensure you are emailed the access code to participate in the webinar)



The webinar will be 60 minutes long and will include a 30-40 minute presentation by sport and medical panel experts followed by a 20-30 minute question and answer period.


Recommended audience: coaches, parents, athletes, managers, volunteers, sport administrators, healthcare professionals.


To attend online: 

Please register as a "webinar participant".  You will receive a confirmation email of your registration which will contain a link for the webinar. Please retain this email for future reference.  On the date and time of the webinar, just click on that link and you will be directed tot he webinar location on the internet. 


To attend in person: 

Please register as an "in-person participant".  There will be 50 seats available at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre to participate in person.  The webinar will take place in room D-506 (D wing, 5th floor).  Paid visitor parking is available at Sunnybrook.  The facility is also serviced by two TTC routes - #11 from Davisville Station and #124 from Lawrence Station.


** Confirmed Speakers **


Sheilagh Croxon, Chair Coaches Association of Ontario (Moderator)

For more than 25 years, Sheilagh has been one of Canada's top synchronized swimming coaches. She coached the 1996 Canadian Olympic synchro team to a silver medal finish in Atlanta, and fours years later, as the team's Head Coach, she led Canada to an Olympic bronze medal performance. As a consultant with the coaching Association of Canada's Women in coaching program, Sheilagh develops strategies to improve conditions for women coaches. She also serves as the volunteer Chair of the Coaches Association of Ontario. Sheilagh is currently the Head Coach of the synchronized swimming program at the Granite Club in Toronto.


Joanne Banfield, Manager Trauma and Injury Prevention, RBC First Office for Injury Prevention, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. (Speaker)

A nurse for 35 years, Joanne is the Manager for Trauma Injury Prevention at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada’s first and largest trauma centre. Joanne managed the trauma unit for six and a half years and currently runs the RBC First Office for Injury Prevention, which includes programs such as P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth), Jr. High P.A.R.T.Y., and iNavigait. Joanne is actively and passionately involved in injury prevention at the local, provincial, national and international level and serves on a number of committees, associations, coalitions and boards including the Trauma Association of Canada, The Dr. Tom Pashby Fund, the Provincial Trauma Network, the CDC, UN and WHO. She was awarded the Ontario Ministry of Transportation - Road Safety Achievement Award in 2005 for her contribution and commitment to road safety.


Dr. Pat Bishop, Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo (Key Note Speaker)

Patrick Bishop PhD has had a long distinguished career contributing to the reduction of head and spinal injuries in sports and particularly catastrophic injuries related to hockey.


For over 30 years, Dr. Bishop has studied in this field, taught thousands of students, and dedicated years to research. As well he has given generously of his time to many member-based associations, providing technical expertise and strong leadership. This includes countless hours spent in the development of national standards for Canada and leading our country in the successful development and publication of international standards for protective equipment. And he has coached amateur hockey for the last 25 years.


Dr. Bishop’s extensive education and experience in biomechanics provided the foundation for his teaching at the University of Waterloo, Department of Kinesiology and for conducting his research into the nature of specific catastrophic sport injuries. He has always been a strong advocate of applying research findings where it matters the most – on the ice, court or playing field.


For the last 30 years Dr. Bishop has served on various Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Technical Committees. He has been a member of the Canadian delegation to the International Standards Organization (ISO) on Ice Hockey since 1987 and has headed the delegation since 1995. For over 15 years he has been a member of the American Standards for Testing and Materials Technical Committee on Ice Hockey. And these are only some of his associations and memberships.

Dr. Bishop’s knowledge and expertise are respected by his peers both nationally and internationally. It has been said that his devotion to the development of the best protective equipment is matched only by his love of the sport.


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