I am working on a project and would like to have your input on who you think is a great clinician in dressage or jumping or eventing or carriage, reining or natural training, etc...

Thank you for your help!

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Hi Stephanie
Christian Garweg is an excellent clinician. He comes in every 6 weeks and is coming in next week for four days.
I've improved enormously since I started with him last October. He pushes hard but it's exciting. One day is not enough. Usually he comes for three and I'm better and better each day. I guess it reinforces the lessons.
Bye, Karen
I clinic just took place in my area by Ite O'Higgins (for dressage) and she was amazing!!!! It was really great for spectators as well, I personally didn't ride and I learnt a lot just from listening to what she had to say to other riders.
Belinda Trussell!! Stephen Clarke!!
Mr. Georg Wahl. He was my coach 20 years back and I would love to work with him again. On my website is a link to who he is, for those not knowing him. 2nd choice would be Mr. Walter Zettl. Susanne at www.happyhorsestables.ca
For natural horsemanship, Chris Irwin, definitely. I've already done quite a bit of training with him and love how his methods work.

For Dressage, at my level and with my young horse, I'd love to get some clinic time with Belinda Trussell, Gary Vander Ploeg, Andrea Bresee, Diane Creech, and, when I'm ready, Christilot Boylen. There is so much to learn from so many ... it's very hard to choose.
Hi: Thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. We have a fella up in Elmvale, Ontario
area His name is Tim Fortune and he does natural horsemanship. He has
helped me alot starting my young arab cross gelding. He has a website. SO check him out www.timfortune.ca
It really is great having someone with his calibre of expertise so close to where I live as well.
As for jumping, Erynn Ballard is great for clinics. I would love to do a clinic with Ian Millar, or Greg Best!
Haha funny - I organised a clinic wiht Erynn 2 years ago!
For Dressage - Belinda Trussell or Christilot Boylen
For Hunter - George Morris
My choice would be Josh Lyons. In my opinion, Josh is an exceptional horseman and possesses a remarkable ability to communicate not only with the horse but with people. His techniques can be used on any horse but his passion lies with reining and because of this, he is always searching for better ways to get a great performance. You only have to see him ride his horse Flash to know there's something special there.
I would like to be trained by Vern Sapergia for one day in all the western disciplines especially reining. The Sapergia family is renowned for their horsemanship and success as trainers and competitors.


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