I haven't competed in reining for a number of years but I still remember the thrill of the sport. Some of the horses and people are amazing and it would be great to hear from some of them. The reiners I know are quiet sensitive people and have some awesome riding and training techniques. I also know they can be very humble and shy to share. So I encourage them to come on board and join us.

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Girl, I am a future reiner for fun later on when I have time to learn kinda gal, but a big fan.
I used to rein on a morgan and that was frowned upon where I'm from in B.C. Canada. The "rolling stop" we call the "sliding stop" and you are right it is a hard thing to teach your horse. I found that if I remained true to my cue everytime he picked it up better. IE. legs on till you are just past the center marker then sit down and release your legs while giving the slight pressure on the reins to stop. I schooled with Roy Yates for 4 years and he taught us how to get that nice light rein stop where the horse stops on a loose rein. That took some training but we got it. I remember my first time riding the sliding stop, it was amazing, I was so tempted to pull on the reins and quit before my horse was finished, but I stuck with it and it was great. You gotta stay off the face during the stop, once they get what you want let him do it, it takes some trust to do it. Same in the spins, stay off the face. A reining horse must be willingly guided and that's the appearance the total package must have when you go to competition. They aren't very willing when we stay on their face too long. Boots are great for protection of the leg and ligaments, those maneuvers are not natural to the horse and he needs a lot of gymnastic work as well as boots to help him stay strong and fit. "Sliders" shoes that are built flat and wide like a slipper with 1/2 to 1 1/2 inch trailers off the back really help with the "sliding stop", but the horse must know the maneuver and can not be put in a pasture without hooking them on something twisting them and losing them. I like what you say "working from the ground first" it is so true. Plus working slow in each maneuver until the horse gets it is important. So with the stop start working it at the walk and add 2-3 steps back and stand with a loose rein, that way you stop his forward momentum and the loose rein is his reward. You will get resistance at first but keep working it, once you get a good stop (the way you like it) at the walk, move up to the jog repeating with the 2-3 steps back and stand with a loose rein, same thing at the lope. Be true to your stop, if he has to stop so do you so that means no fiddling with the reins or leg movement, give him a chance to obey you. If you don't he will always cheat because we teach 'em to cheat. You can work your stop from the ground, in hand while leading him. I found showmanship exercises helped make my horse sharp and sensitive to my voice, touch and body language which translated to when I was in the saddle. We can't rush our reiners, if we do the process just takes longer. I learned a lot of patience when I was reining. All the best LaShauna I hope you do really well when you compete. How does the "Texas Roll Back" class work?
I'm not a reiner, but I hope to be. I want to start reining with my 12 year old appaloosa gelding. Him and I will need some training, does anyone have any tips or know of any trainers/coaches in the niagara/haldimand area?
Holly~~~ I'm not in your area but I would recommend that you start getting your gelding fit for the job you have planned for him. Hopefully you have been riding him walk/trot lots to build up his stamina and strengthen his back and legs. He also will need backup exercises to strengthen his hindlegs and hip joints. Being an older horse his muscles will take longer to repair. Getting him fit before you compete is important or he will suffer later on in life with pain and stiffness. My 26 year old gelding is like that now because I didn't take his fitness levels into consideration. Lots of loping circles is good too, avoid the hard stops, only do them to get him to know his cues then save them for the competitions. Spins are also hard on the horse physically and mentally so make sure you start slow and only add speed as the horse learns the maneuver. Having a reining coach will make a big difference, good luck on your quest.
He's very fit, won't need to much fitness right now. His mother was a QH racer, so he's got that energy and build. Right now he's just sort of a pleasure horse, we do some hunter under saddle and some games, and jumping of course. But i thought reining would be fun to do and he would LOVE it.
I've been riding him every day and have been working on lots of circling at a trot and lope.
I think once we actually get going with the reining stuff i will definately up his feed and maybe put him on the herbs my 17 year old thoroughbreds on, it's for joints and ligaments and something else, but it's to help prevent stiffness and soreness and make them stronger or something. Maybe that will help as well?
Holly right on! You guys sound like you're ready to start any day, good for you. Now all you need is a good reining coach. I wish I new some in Ontario, I'm in B.C. Have you checked with Reining Canada, go to there website, search it out on Google. Also, the National Reining Horse Association, you should be able to find someone there as well. Shawna Sapergia out of Dewinton, Alberta is amazing so is her brother Cody Sapergia. They are Vern Sapergia's kids. Good luck Holly, I hope you get the coach you need.
Hello! Reiner here! Ok, so technically I'm not a reiner, as I haven't competed in any reining shows yet, But I take lessons from a reiner, lease a reining horse, practise reining patterns, go to reining clinics and call myself a reiner. : D Live to ride, ride to slide : D
I personally train horses for reining as well as pleasure. I absolutely love to rein, not to mention practically all the principles I use on my reiners are the same that I use on my pleasure horses in the beginning especially.
I also use those principles in the beginning as well, I feel it makes a more responsive and focused horse no matter what they are doing.


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