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Thanks Natalie

Looking forward to it

This is about my horse Dylan. He is a big 16.2hh TB x Warmblood, with lots of character. He is fantastic with children eg a 5yr girl could lead him around , stand on a mounting block & tie him on the tie rings. He would always lean down so she could put his headcollar on (so sweet).

Dylan also seems to be the bed for the cat! The cat would jump up onto Dylan & lay on his back to go to sleep. You could walk around & the cat would then lay along Dylans back with his paws either side of the withers to hold on! It looked so funny.

Dylan also has a habit of being cheeky in the field with the other geldings. We wondered why the fly face masks were always comming off the horses. You would have to go wondering around the field looking for them, put them back on & the next day do it all over again. We have found out Dylan is the culpret!
My friends were standing watching their horse in the field after they had turned him out. Gus was in his full fly rug & the fly mask was attached! Dylan wondered over to him & started to nibble Gus, making his way up to Gus's head. Dylan grabbed the velcro strip that held the mask on, pulled it so it was completley undone. Dylan then pulled the mask off Gus's head & ran off with it, throwing it in the air. He then left it in the middle of the field.
So now the horses dont wear fly masks with Dylan around unless you want to play hide & seek with it everyday.

Dylan is such a funny boy, so you can forgive him when he is naughty in the saddle, well some of the time!

Laura & Dylan x
Hi laura,

Oh Dylan sounds a real sweetie, loves cats and children what a darling and what a comedien ... the fly masks, would you believe it ... chuckle .. so clever to work out the fastenings. It must have been a treat to watch, definately something you wish you'd videoed.

I really enjoyed Dylan's story.

My pony,Gene,a 13'1 bright chestnut gelding,24,is a great,great,great grandson of the wonderful Nijinsky [tho thru years of breeding has dropped in size a wee bit!] He has his clip with a little heart sign on his bum!,so whenever my neice visits she can tell him apart from the other ponies.
He also 'lurves' his Lyx which is a respiratory one [no brand names!] but,suffice to say,it does have menthoyl,eucalyptus,aniseed in it,so when has finished having a good lick he has very orangey messy nose,lips and chin.
On a recent visit she was watching me wipe all around his face and was amazed to see the orange that was appearing on my towel [from the aniseed].As I had just finished wiping a bit of his white snip she asked me "why have you wiped all the colour of his nose"?! She'd seen the orange on the towel and thought it was the chestnut colour coming off! I reassured her with a few more wipes that it was't him,just the Lyx.which she was very pleased about as she loves his bright chesnut colour and didn't want to see it go.
Well,he's still loving his Lyx and I'm still loving him and his sticky orange face.!!
>*>misty <*/body>
Hi Misty,

What a comical story, your niece must have been totally horrified to see all that gorgeous clour coming right OFF... I can just imagine it ... her looking closely at what you are doing and seeing the white snip appear. Oh No!!!! Stop!!! Stop!!!


The other day I was working my horse Aslan in the round pen. I wanted to desensitize him to a tarp so I unfolded it bit by bit while dragging it behind me. He honestly could not have cared less, which surprised me. I laid it out flat and had my back turned to him while I was smoothing out that last "spooky" wrinkle. I turned around to try to get him to walk over it only to find him standing on it staring at me like I was a moron.
So there went that idea So much for "training". Since he was bored I decided to set up some barrels for him to jump over. I laid two end to end and did everything I could to get him to jump them. He would go right up to them and at the last second he would blast away in the other direction.
Then I decided to set up a third barrel upright to make it look like he had no choice. It worked and he jumped it! In one direction that is. When I tried to get him to jump it the other direction he decided to "Pretend" to jump it. What he did was run at it and right on the outer edge, he jumped..the length of the tarp BESIDE the barrel. My friend and I were laughing so hard because we were like "what was that all about?" My horse is so funny he makes me laugh all the time.
When we decided he had enough we were standing in the middle of the round pen and he walks over and takes the end of the whip out of my hand, looks straight at me and starts flipping the whip around in circles with his mouth. My friend and I were in tears laughing at my smartie horse who decided enough was enough and it was OUR turn to be lunged!

Hi Lara,

Aslan is gorgeous you lucky person, what a beautiful colour too.

Your story makes me smile, horses can really manipulate us mere humans , taking your whip and swirling it round, delightful. Now tell me did you do as you were told and jump the barrels ... perfectly of course ... and did you manage the lenght of the tarp. he he!

Thanks for your post


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