The latest edition of OEF WHOA has a 2 page article (p 48) strongly in favour of horse slaughter. This article completely contradicts what the CBC documentray showed so vividly or the existence of the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition. What do you think of this?

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I had a chance to read through Zoe's articles posted, and as I had noted, in my earlier response, 'By saying slaughter is wrong, does not say neglect is right.'

The article on the study of slaughter and abuse patterns states that "Abuse and neglect is largely determined by economic conditions." Also stated: "The rate of slaughter of US horses was only temporarily affected by the closings of the US based slaughter plants in 2007, and the slaughter rate has since returned to its previous levels. There was therefore no mechanism by which these closings could have impacted abuse and neglect."

Now if the US is doing away with slaughter houses, why can't Canada? According to that article, the US closings created an influx of horses exported from the US to Cda and Mexico for slaughter. I don't think that makes us Canadians look very good in this picture.

Also, keep in mind, neglected horses, which are most often underweight, would have no use at a slaughter house, since (as horrible of a picture as this paints) there would be little, if any, meat on these poor souls. So these neglected horses are either taken in by a charitable person or organization, or they are euthanized if they are in too poor of a condition.

I see absolutely no need for slaughter houses. Therefore no need to support horse slaughter.
Hello All

I am sorry I did not check this site before. I have exchanged some very volatile e-mail and letters with the OEF on this issue. I have been extremely upset with this article. I am so glad this issue is being discussed here. HOORAY to Barnmice. There are alternatives to horse slaughter. There are now clinics in California that are being run by vets who are euthanizing horses for those owners who can not keep the horses. I feel that this is a better and more humane method for those owners who can't, won't or don't want their horses. For these unfortunate situations euthanizing is better than putting your horse on a slaughter truck.

Please write the OEF and let them know that you were disgusted with this article.

I have attached an article from regarding these clinics for information.

Hi Mary-Joe,
Thank you for your positive words about Barnmice. I know that other sites have banned discussions on the horse slaughter issue, as it is so incendiary. So far in this discussion, people have expressed different views while being very respectful of other members involved in the conversation. I am happy to say that this seems to be pretty standard for our community!
I so agree...I would much rather know an unwanted horse is euthanized humanely than to know it has experienced fear and anxiety being processed to and in a slaughter house....I can't imagine being the employee who has to kill these horses day in and day out...
Thanks Mary Jo.

I agree there are alternatives. I am so glad that you are encouraging people to write to OEF.

Personally, I have trouble belonging to (thus supporting) an organization that so strongly supports horse slaughter. Especially when that article so completely contradicted what we saw on the news.

I am very glad the OEF is allowing this open discussion!

I wonder if anything will come of it.

Here is a link to the newsletter containing this article, and I copied the list of contacts from the front of the newsletter who we could email. I'm thinking Executive Director to send the emails to? Unless Mary Joe, if you have another/ better contact for anyone who wants to write to them on this issue?!.pdf

Executive Director Marcia Barrett
Marketing Melissa Monardo
Finance Vicki Banks
Membership Susan Bell
Membership Asst. Deborah Robillard
Education Catherine Barker
Education Asst. Jennifer Irwin
Competition Melodie Ceci Howard
Administration Melodie Ceci Howard
Hi Sandy

Yes you can e-mail all the people at the OEF. I would e-mail, specifically Jack DeWitt, along with Gary Yaghdjian the director who wrote the article. In my e-mails I have also ccd Equine Canada CEO A. Maharaj. As far as I am concerned both OEF and Equine Canada as large equine industries, have the "power" to help change the laws to abolish horse slaughter. For those of us who would like to abolish horse slaughter I think we should lobby
both OEF and Equine Canada to consider helping change the laws.

New law in US now criminalizes the purchase, sale, delivery, or export of horsemeat intended for human consumption, here's the article
We need these laws in Cda!
There will always be horses that for one reason or another will not work into our programs. I don't mean not just pretty or useful, either. I was given a horse years ago that no one wanted. He had been abandoned as well as mishandled.I tried working with him, but decided my life was worth more. I sent that horse to slaughter. He was dangerous and wouldn't make even a good companion, as he would run other horses into fences...I cut one of his victems out of a fence. I could have had him euthanized...maybe...I doubt he would have stood for a needle. In those days though, the killers were plentiful and the trailer ride short. Frankly, this was the best thing I could do with him. I couldn't sell him or give him away so someone else could get hurt. At that time, because slaughter was easily available, it was a viable option. I don't know what I would have done with him if I had him now...but I know there has to be a vaible option for horses like him.
I have just one question; What is OEF?
That's the Ontario Equestrian Federation.
The Ontario Equestrian Federation: our only provincial federation.

I do not support horse slaughter. So how do I reconcile supporting an organization that does? That is my dilemma. I don't think their strong article in favour of horse slaughter was very professional move for this association that supposedly represents the wishes of all Ontario Equestrians.

I also belong to a business organization that frequently poses questions to its members with a synopsis of "The supporters of this say ... " and "The opponents say ..." Then they go forth with the views of the members.
I was disappointed in the lack of communication and consensus, and the absolute denial of previous facts seen on television.

I do not want to raise a fuss, but this is an issue that tugs at the heart strings - especially after what we saw on the news. Zoe


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