just wondering if there are any arabian owners or fans on here willing to share photos and info on their beloved horses.

I myself have 2 arabians at the moment. My retired mare and my straight egyptian yearling filly.

The standing photo is of my very first horse who I had to euthanize last year due to a twisted bowel. He was a Straight Egyptian Stallion. The chestnut is my yearling.

I love all breeds and have had a clyde x tb gelding before. Worked with most breeds and all genders. Just happens to be that I have only arabs at the moment.

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My Polish Arabian just chugged up a rocky mountain trail and down again, five hour ride. it was really hot on the way home, but he is an Arabian. Didn't even take a drink from the creek till he got home. I gave him a big juicy apple for working so hard. He's 17 this year and in good shape.

Just updates here,

Mia, the ancient bay Arab mare I ride is still plodding around.  The pits above her eyes are deeper, she gets ever more grizzled on her head, and she is as opinionated as ever!  She is also shrinking, even though she is in good weight I had to change to a shorter girth.  She LOVES her Back on Track poll cap, and she is so creaky now that she appreciates the BOT exercise sheet even as the weather is getting warmer.  I coddle her, she coddles me.

My new Arab mount, my riding teacher's "personal" horse (if she could just get more riding time in!) Tercel is a 15 hand dark brown gelding.  I had to work on stopping his spooks.  They were triggered by stuff he saw in the extreme back corner of his eyes.  I got the Dy'on blinkers and the transformation has been nothing short of amazing.  These blinkers have changed him from an unreliable, frantic, and perpetually terrified horse to a horse that has the ability to become reliable with further schooling. 

I am filling holes in his training to the bit and the hand aids right now.  Luckily his owner, my riding teacher, is willing to let me spend the time necessary to give him his basics at the walk.  Tercel is forcing me to work more on the security of my seat since he has a VERY springy trot.  I am planning on lengthening my stirrups a hole the next time I ride him.

Tercel is GORGEOUS, correct, uphill build, and when we put more muscle on him he is going to be a hunk.  Please forgive the lack of pictures.  Someday I will have to figure all this technological stuff out.  He is probably the best conformed Arab I've personally known.  Too bad about the nightmare inducing back corner of his eyes! 

Some people are turned off Arabians because some individuals can be spooky (kindly called "sensitive"). It does take a certain brand of guts and patience to work with those horses. But the Arabian is well worth it for those willing to do that. My guy was a bag of nerves when I got him five years ago. it was almost worse than starting with a complete baby since he already had his habits and he had relied on his barnmates for security. But he has made so much progress. Most all of his issues are tremenously improved. just yesterday we had to make our way down a narrow road where some extremely loud road construction equipment was operating. I wasn't sure he wasn't going to revert to his old habit (rodeo mode when extremely stressed). He balked a bit, and seemed like it was a no go. But I don't take no for an answer. A very brief 'Half Tap' (see Hybrid Horsemanship), and he walked by like a prince. This machinery was so loud I could barely hear myself saying "Good Boy, good boy" as loudly and calmly as I could. He takes in stride pretty much anything on the trails even when we are alone, but he does need a confident and patient rider. Incidentally he is ridden  Barefoot and Bitless on some pretty steep rocky trails, very surefooted and great stamina. The Arabian horse is extremely intelligent and loyal, once you have won their heart. But they don't give away their heart easily to just anyone.

Here's another benefit to Arabians. I ride my 17 year old Barefoot and Bitless. I don't even need a trimmer anymore, so his feet cost me virtually NOTHING. He is mostly self trimming due to rocky trail riding. We were going on a longer rocky ride the other day, so just to be nice I put his boots on which he doesn't really need. my friend had a shod horse ($160/ every six weeks) and he went lame, which we eventually figured out he had thrown a shoe. The poor guy was pretty sore and we were a long way from home with nothing but rock and climbing/descending. I suddenly got the brilliant idea to put my guy's boots on her horse. He was comfortable enough to get home and at least wasn't damaging those delicate shod feet. My guy was happy to lend his boots to  help his buddy, and just chugged on home as usual. His feet are like stone.

 Other bonus to Arabians, no fancy grains and feeds. He could live on plain old grass hay and minerals alone. Gets all he needs from about four hours a day pasture. Any more than that and he gets fat. The problem with and easy keeper is NOT overfeeding them.

I love Arabian horses, but only ever got to pet one, never actually got to ride it. Al Khamsa is beautiful and on my wish list of horses to have in our stable. Nice pictures, by the way.


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