Anyone ride Western on this forum? Trail rider? Team sorter?

If you ride western style, give me a shout. I am feeling a little lonely. LOL!! Lots of dressage and jumper people, though. I like to trail ride, and have tried team sorting and l want to see how my mare likes it. She is a Quarter horse, bay and real pretty.

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Western rider here! We have a lifestyle surrounded by cattle and our horses are used on the ranch. We have a 20 yr old horse breeding program along side the beef cattle. Show experience is limited to my 4-H days many moons ago. Would love to show at the local level but our lifestyle just doesn't allow the time.... maybe some day!
Hi, we are western riders too. I like to trail ride around the farm, my hubby is learning to ride and our daughter rides western too. She is learning western pleasure with our little appy mare that is in training too. Our mare is not registered either. Her dam is reg. but the sire was not.
Hi - I ride mostly trail riding with a western saddle or a 'treeless hybrid'. However, I must admit to refresh my 'seat and balance' I get back into an english saddle. Began to take some basic dressage lessons to improve my own riding ability and get a little more flexion from my horses. Feels great to do a little of both.
I love arena work and trail work.... it's getting a little scary though guys with national parks on the verge of closing or land being taken away from trailriders.... geez.... I am so happy that I have 8 acres... a friend of mine just bought 10.... maybe my mustang will always have someplace to go, eventhough the city is closing in......

I would like to try some reining for fun with Oliver, with music and all that... I am not sure if he'll like it... I'm gonna just ride him around in my paddock bareback next when I feel up to it.... I'm still working with him on the ground and I'm a slowpoke and he's only 4, but I want to try a soft saddle even out on the trails... the hunker western saddle is gonna be hard to throw up on my big tall horse.... I would love to go trailriding with him.... but where I live, in L.A. there are alot of wierdos out on the trails... I think I instilled a waryness in my horse, (I KNOW!!, I shouldn'ta done that) and both of us are gonna need a ton of confidence to leave our little ranchette here...... I just love nature, I want to be able to go camping with him, but I wish we could just go alone.... is that antisocial for a trailrider or what????

the team sorting thing? again..... I've gone to events.... too many people for me man, the microphone the yelling, ... I'm not ready for any of that..... one lady, her horse reared up, in front of a crowd and I knew I'd just die of embarrassment if that happened to me.... and then of course all the gossip about the horse and his unrulyness and all that. I also do not like the dust. I did have a few ladies in my neighborhood that do pretty good team penning.... it's a fun sport to watch, but I would need a lot of practice and to introduce Oliver to a cow first before I just turned him loose over at the ranch in front of alot of people.... once I can handle him, I don't care whose around.... and I know I can do it later, but not right now.... team sorting is more like um cutting isn't it???? I'm not sure.
Maybe a little anti social, why do you want to camp by yourself Jenn?

I used to hate it down there when hikers or bike peple would scare the bajeez out of my horses on trail.
In fact just a couple of summers ago I was showing Hunters at the Gold Rush series at Hansen Dam, between classe me and this girl went trail riding down in the sand bed, and a homeless person came out of nowhere and sent my horse into an uncontrollable spin in the opposite direction which nearly sent me flying. I jumped off but something about this strange man just would'nt let my horse (a 16.3 paint) settle back down so I ended up walkin all the way back to the showgrounds.

That would never happen here, (Twin Oaks) I have all sorts of country to ride where I'd never see more than a lone deer if I'm lucky. I also have several acces points onto the pacific crest
You should come up here and camp by yourself with Oliver!
It's just my level of confidence right now probably that makes me feel like I want to be alone.... when I am working with my horse now it is quiet, silent.... if I were camping, I'm just imagining all the voices in my head of helpful people that want to show me what to do. I guess I have that kind of a personality that invites opinions... but I think I can figure it out by myself so I struggle with that.... I'd go camping with dear dear or true friends, that respect nature, don't talk too much or try and give me advice... I belong to a site where people camp and trailride... in pretty large groups.... to me, that is just not camping. It's like being in nature with your neighborhood. I don't go camping for the people.. I go for nature.... am I making any sense, LOL... I've also seen photos of rides with hundreds of people and I just don't think I could swing with that yet.... I'll maybe be able to.. at this point I don't even ride in the parade here that they have for Christmas... I just don't even want to be in the crowd. :)
my best girlfriend, she just bought 10 acres up in Shasta. It's a comfort to know that Oliver and I have a place to go.... i mean really, i bet we could have peace and solitude there.... is that anywhere near where you are??? or where youride? I'll eventually get him a trailer and we'll leave town. I've only been to the wash once here near Hanson Dam. I'm sure you know where that is, sounds like you were there. There is a nice jumping barn there. :) anyway, idiots..... idiots everywhere, even on horses.... I didn't even know horses got all jacked up around other horses I was so green.... it was terrifying... not because of my horse or the scenery or anything, it was the dopes out in the wash... I've never been again. When I can be challenged like that and not be scared, I'll go again. That is why I have to do some much work on my energy, calmness and lack of desire to be in social settings with my horse..... I'm not real social anyway, but not as paranoid as I am around mouthy horsey people that I've met in the past. :)
It's hard when you have all the schooling in the world at home, and then when you're feeling good about the progress, go outside and realise that you have to basically retrain him for trail.

I would get really comfortable with the way he moves, so that if and when you go back outside you can keep your seat should he spook or run off.

Otherwise like you say, you have enough people trying to tell you how to do it so I wont.

Also there's plenty of places you colud move where you could ride to your hearts content without all that city horse stuff. I was so grateful to be one of the lucky in LA county who had horse property, but I dont miss the crowding.

If not for the horses though I feel very much at home in the city, I was raised in Inglewood, and Keith and I first lived in Long Beach10 years ago (before the horses), our Hacienda Heights property was dreamy, (just over 2 acres) and the climate was so nice for gardening.
It was on the "San Juan Bautista" trail. Two acres would have never been enough for the life we have now though. We have 20 now, and the next 20 acre property is available for grazing too.

Shasta county is further north from me, I'm the central/southern Sierra Mountains one hour EAST of Bakerfield and one hour NORTH of Tehachapi
Oh, the people that sold my property to me, here, they moved to Tehachapi.... they had a bunch of horses and did western work like roping and sorting, so they wanted a flat piece of land to play on.... Thankfully, my trainer, Steve, he goes out with Oliver around here and he's meeting people and going out to the wash with his trainer.... I'd hate for him to have to learn that from a nervous person like me..... by the time we go out in the big big world, I think both of us will be fine. :) We just need more time together is all and that we can do. :)


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