Hi All

Some of you might have heard about the tragic accident involving the Eventer, Jessica Ruppel and her horse Bella.

The story is below.

There is also a draft letter that everyone could detach. Put your address on and send it along to the Crown Attorney in Owen Sound.

Hi all, you may have heard of the recent tragic accident involving Eventer, Jessica Ruppel and a promising young CSHA mare - Royal Symphony (aka Bella), bred and owned by Suzanne Hess. Suzanne's wish is that Bella's legacy be one of a wider and better awareness of horses on the rural roads of Ontario starting by the attached information. I told her that I would pass this information along to the WHOA members, just to inform them and ask those that ride on the road to be extra cautious and courteous. Also, Elaine has agreed to post the info at Equi-Fest, there may also be an updated poster available by then. Mary mentioned on Tuesday evening that she had seen a new horse and rider road sign somewhere in the Caledon area that included the words "Pass Wide and Slow" which is exactly what Suzanne is trying to promote with the Ministrty and any other means. The link provided is a quick news story.


Many of us are trying to get the word out just by letting other riders know what happened and asking horse businesses to post the information. However, the audience is not necessarily the riders but other people that are not aware that horses actually still do have the right of way in Ontario. So the attached information is provided incase you would like to pass it on. Anything would help to broaden this awareness to prevent another event like the loss of Bella, from taking place. By the way, the driver left the accident scene but has since been found and charged and is to appear in an Owen Sound Court on May 14


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