For those in Canada that participate on the popular discussion forum, EMG, it seems the sponsors have shut down the forum. Hopefully this is not a permanent move, as there are always lively discussions and lots of resources on the forum. On the bright side, maybe many will come to barnmice as an alternative?!

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If anyone's feeling lonely, you can always create your own little group right here. :)
They've just been targetted in a pretty big lawsuit. Maybe their lawyers recommended that they close their forum to prevent speculation and discussions about that topic - although there will just be speculation everywhere else.
The message board on Thoroughbred Niagara has just been totally revamped to accomodate those folks from emg that are going into withdrawal. All are welcome to come on over, and we will continue to add new forums-just tell us what you would like to see. and follow the link to the message board.

Hope to see some of you there.
I'll Post it on my facebook page maybe that will help


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