I am new to this site and I am wondering if any one can help me.
I am having a problem with my horse lately. I think he is Ring Sour.
I have shown him in Western Performance at local Saddle Clubs successfully the last few years.
We have also won High Point awards.

An example of this is when I am showing Western Trail he does half of the course fine, but he rushes and balks through the last half. He does things like lopping roughly and fast and refusing to go over or through obstacles that he normally does fine.    

I used to work 12 hour shifts which did not give me much time to practice my riding. I do not have a riding arena to ride in the Winter. I am back on 8 hour shifts again and this should give me more time to work with him.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help me with this problem?

Thank You


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My QH used to go arena sour every spring - he simply would not put any effort into anything we did in the arena. I used to hack down the road and through the woods for the 2-3 weeks it took for the outside rings to become rideable (dry enough). When we picked up the work again he was ready and willing and a full participant again.

I also used to give my QH two weeks off in late fall. No riding, no fussing, just feeding. When I started riding again he was very happy to be doing stuff again and was super responsive to me.

Maybe your guy needs a break, or some mental stimulation like learning something new instead of drilling the old stuff.
Ok. I will try that. Thanks
Thank You
And sometimes the harder you work to perfect something the worse it gets. ;-)
I mix up my show horses routines so they never get soured....if we are in show season and they are in the ring 3 out of 7 days...I will mostly hack or do working hacks to round out their schedules.

If they are in training...I will incorporate hacks one or two days to break up the routine.

I also like to swim with the horses...good for fitness and a real change from the same ole same old.


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