How do you make a decision to stop riding?! I am in pain in my knees when I get up -- my hips MD says it's arthritis....going to start physical therapy; can't afford much else as he is also in rehab with his back; I still have to lunge him prior to putting his saddle on and when I put his saddle's better but not ideal....maybe it's time to quit riding and/or lease a horse rather than buying another one...decisions, decisions....any ideas out there (I'm 55 and very creaky)

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One reason not to eat wheat. In certain genetic line (mostly Caucasian I think, but I can be wrong) there is a "mutation" that prevents wheat eaters from utilizing the calcium in their diets. Something to do with the effects of phytic acid. If any of your blood relatives have osteoporosis (like mine do), it might be good to try going off wheat. You might be pleasantly surprised with several chronic and uncurable diseases getting better, though the long term damage may take a long time to heal.
Hi ,,,,,,,,, don't stop riding it is so good for you.
I started riding at 53 and am now 60 ... have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 15 years and I think riding is the best thing for it. Riding keeps you young and fit. Put knee braces on to help support your knees and get some good stretches for your hips. Make sure you don't have RA though it usually starts in your feet and hands. I agree Linda White ... get some good pain pills and keep riding..... you don't want to be a couch potato do you?
Find out what is really wrong with your horse too .... massage may help both of you. Massage him yourself with a good rub like Absorbine.
Happy riding, Popcorn,
don't know, at 40 I thought I wouldn't be able to ride much, at 50 I feel terrific in spite of many injuries and arthritis and surgeries. I contribute it to Feldenkrais work, and I even became a practitioner because it saved me and got me out of decades of pain and finding difficulty just riding and moving . It helps you regain your movement and balance so you move more like when you were young. it can take time, a lot of lying on the floor doing the lessons but sure beats getting stiffer and having more pain and it beats taking drugs too. there are free Awareness through Movement lessons on
and that's a good start, and read Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais. I can't tell you how grateful I am after discovering it -- Drs, Chiropractors, PTs, Yoga, exercise, none of it worked but shortly after being told to try Feldenkrais so I could ride the way I wanted to (without pain) I realized it would save my outdoor athletic life. Now I teach lessons and clinics to riders who want to move in harmony with their horse--it's so much more effective than spot fixes like weight training or stretching--it affects your whole body & brain!
You are all most inspiring. I am still riding. Never gave up but sometimes it is harder. I am trying to get and maintain more fitness. I am sure that will help with the stiffness.
I thnk all us horse folks are creaky at 55....either from horse related injuries, or bucking hay, or heavy but beautiful western back is trashed. I think leasing is a smart option...lots of folks don't have time to ride their horse as much as they should and would be glad of the opportunity.
You can't quit, I'm just getting started..... I am 49 and learning how to ride..... :) I try so hard to do things that will help with riding... first I started yoga, then I discovered a hula hoop.... it's sort of a dorky exercise, but if you try it you might notice how much it can help you get in shape for riding..... just try it, LOL.... a hula hoop is a 5 dollar item....

I only have one horse to ride.... so whenever he and I are in good shape we will give it a try.... if we can't ride, we will just do whatever we can to hang out and build a bond.... the riding is the icing on the cake anyway.

I agree with all the people who say "never give up". Make changes if you have to- get a smaller horse, lighter saddle- if you love to ride do whatever it takes to keep going.

I have had to make changes. I love hotter horses, jumpers, TBs and always am drawn to that type but I am not as quick, nor as strong as I once was, so my current horse is a retired hunter who will be 20 years old in 2010. He was a rescue and we've made a bargain to take care of one another!

But I'm also careful about when I ride. My neighbor hood has a ton of kids (motor bikes, lots of yelling and screaming, even bows and arrows) so I ride weekdays while they are in school. I also follow my instincts. If my horse seems a little wired I might skip a day. I'd rather loose a day than a week.

I've started going to a gym so that I can get stronger. I also take a lot of D3, probiotics, codliver oil pills and I have to say I feel pretty good. Working out on the eliptical machine even makes me more comfortable sleeping. This is a real chore for me as I never had to work to be in shape when I was younger. But I really think it's making a difference. And the weights are helping my upper body strength (important for saddling!)

Are you familiar with Heather Sansom at She's on Barnmice and she might be able to give you some good exercises...

Don't give up. I'd encourage you to get a different horse or lease one, instead of giving up.

I'm 60 and want to still ride in my 80's. I know people who are still riding in their 90s. I want that to be me.
Right on, Barbara!

I'm in my 50's, and for the first time am working out separately from my riding and chores (with Heather Sansom, and she's terrific). I plan to keep riding too, and this is part of the plan, along with a careful diet and supplementation (hey, I take great care of my horses, why not myself??).
i remember reading in a nz horse mag about a lady showing in dressage at the ripe old age of 90!! that's my goal! 55 isn't too old! i'm 52, and finally have my homebred hanoverians to bring on, so i'm riding youngsters. lease or buy, just go looking for your next ride!
also.... my hips used to hurt a lot, and i seized up getting up after sitting. i was advised to use the chiropractor by my instructor, and my hips are so much better. i know a lady who had a hip replacement, and she had to switch from warmbloods to a tb, and she is at every show, and placing well against the warmbloods. there are always solutions!
My friend's doctor told her to keep doing everything she had been doing to keep her body nimble - that the arthritis would get worse if she stopped. However, to answer the original question: When you no longer look forward to riding with anticipation. When you groan at the thought of going for a ride. That is the time to stop or maybe change gears. I haven't read all the responses yet, but there are many good idea that might work for you. Have you considered driving? I thought that sounded like fun!!!
:) do you do yoga or pilates???? in addition to the physical therapy???


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