Allright, please help me out here.

We are trying to figure out what the best, safest, and most economical fencing will be for our new place. We have two Belgian draft horses. Right now (and for the last 8 months) they have been in a 2 acre pasture that has 3 strands of plastic coated wire and then one strand of the poly rope braid electric fence at the top. The posts are all wood, and they are about 12 feet apart I think. This fence has worked very well for them - they don't bother with it at all. However, this pasture is out in the back and not near any roads, so even if they did get out, they shouldn't be too close to any danger.

Now we are moving them to our new place - where they will be much closer to the roads. We can't afford to go with 4 board oak fencing or anything like that - that's totally out of the question. So, would it be better to use the same kind of wire, and then just add a second strand of electric? Or? Maybe go with the mesh fencing and the electric - especially along the road side?

Please help!

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I've noticed that one strand of electric on the top usually stops all wreckage of fencing..there is enough "bite" in the one strand of electric to stop them from trying anything you have a horse that likes to crawl or escape then maybe putting another small wire accross the middle part of the fence will prevent that..but being them belgians I doubt they would or could crawl under the fencing..
Hi Candice, I use a top electric then a sight wire, another electric, an earth wire and then a bottom electric. The fence will work better if you put an earth wire in. The best thing to do would be go to your agricultureal supplies shop and have a look at the electric fencing they have for sale , they will probabally have a booklet to give you on different types of fence and how to put it up. Just remember, if you do it properly ONCE then you wont have to do it again! Cheers Geoffrey


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