I am really into natural horsemanship stuff, but the problem is I just don't know how to start. I can't ride because I just got my plaster off from breaking my wrist from my horse buckin me off. So what is the first thing I should do on the ground. I might have to wait for a while because of my wrist. Could you please give me some idea's ?????????

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Hi Shirley

Well first I am going to worm her cause she is due and then I am going to go in the paddock and just sit in there for a whil with her (but I won't look at her all the time :) ) And if my mum let's me I will do some natural horsemanship :) What are you going to do ???

Hope you have a great day :)
My day is about over since it's 11:30 p.m. here. It was up to 90F here so I didn't do much activity with my horse. I went to the barn which is 3.5 miles from my house. I called Cash from the back of the pasture and he hesitated but did mosey up to me at the gate. He still has the slobbers is seems to feel a bit sluggish. I feel bad for him and hope the situation improves soon. I took him outside on a long lead line so he could eat grass in the lawn that wasn't full of clover. The kids were swimming in their little pool. Cash did a big spook the first time one jumped in and made a big splash. Then each time they splashed his spook got smaller and smaller till there was no jump. I'm curious to see how he does the next time. Then I took him in the barn and sponged him off with some cool water and then let him graze a little longer. The guys baled three small fields,580 bale, of hay today (on the hottest day of the summer so far this year) so he got a little bit of that for a snack. I sat outside his stall with our fan blowing on us while he ate that. I got him a bucket of fresh cool water and he drank part of that.while I held the bucket. I love the little stuff So after 2 hours of just chill-in together I headed home. Within a half hour a big storm blew in and I was glad Cash was inside for the night.
Hopefully next time I tell you what we do it will be much cooler and more eventful.
I hope you heal quickly and can get back to what you enjoy doing with your horses.
I started learning Natural Horsemanship with Parelli's after I took a good rodeo bucking fall. It was my third trail ride with Cash (he was just three & I was a newbie too) and my first on our own without our trainer. We were at a campground that was full of other riders and a few of them came galloping up behind us just as we got started on our ride. We were still on the road in the camp-ground. I could tell Cash was freaking and had no clue what to do except pull on the reins to stop him from running off. We had a rider on each side of us so he was surrounded and decided getting rid of me, the one holding him from running off to safety needed to go~~ so off I went. So my long term goal is to get where we can go on some trail rides together, relatively safely. I'm finding the journey to be so fun.
Hope you will too.
Here I go offering suggestions when you didn't ask..... lol... but I love coming to barnmice and finding something to talk about every morning with my coffee.... :) Chris Cox teaches natural horsemanship and he does alot of things at liberty with his horses.... he gave us an assignment once on RFDTV or in a video or something..... groom your horse and walk away....... see if he/she comes back over to you..... and then like I said before, if he/she starts to follow you.... :)
Krystal and Jennifer:
Not that u asked but I think this is a great idea to add to your list of ways to bond.

Jennifer: I think Chris Cox is great. I saw a lenghty clip of him giving a riding lesson.
Maybe u have seen it too? He was successful in getting each student into the walk, trot and canter under saddle in a round pen (I think) without reins. I think I'd have been in tears from his pushing forward and my fear issues under saddle. But I imagine these people did their research and knew what they were getting into when they signed up for his clinic. So they were huge strides ahead in one day. I wish I could handle that and have it work for me but I just don't think I could learn well in that situation. BUT some do and how great for them. I still think he's great for anyone that doesn't tense all up when yelled at and there is lots to be learned from him.
It sounds like a nice day to me :) Wow so it's summer over there, well here we are in winter but today has been very sunny and beautiful blue skies but still a bit fresh at times. Today I gave Charm her worming, she didn't like that :) but she had something special after for being good :). I also walked with her and did some natural horsemanship stuff, but most of the time she won't let me walk with her next to her shoulder but she does follow me behind, is that bad???. It is 2:27pm here and just got back from sitting right near the paddock fence with Charm. It was fun. I was in there but she ran towards me because of a loud bang from a truck, but I was near the gate so I just stepped out and said woaw and gave her a pat. mum was worried because she is in a bouncy mood today :) so my mum said you can sit near the fence of the paddock and for 41min I did. She came up to me a few times but she was keeping an eye on me :). Before I did that, because we live near the highway there were some people on the road and they were running to a car and then she saw them and started to trot well jog with them it was soooo funny cause it was like she wanted to run with them :). Well hope to talk soon.

Have a good sleep :)
It is 1:00 p.m. here so I suspect u r now sleeping.
"Is it bad for Charm to walk behind you rather then at your side?" I'd say that is something to work on cause it's not as safe for you to have them behind you if they spook and run into you. I am personally not a strict follower of that advice. Generally Cash walks beside me. Sometimes when we are moseying along he will gradually get behind me a little. We mosey on a long line. I like him to have enough line so if he does spook he isn't right on top of me. If there is other horses or people nearby I have to shorten it up for the safety of all. Cash is now nine and we've been together for 6 years. Something 'we' like to do is run along together...I start a slow run and tell him to trot & he will trot along beside me but he's gotten in the habit of cutting me off gradually so I have to stop and then he gets a few bites of grass. Doesn't take long and I get winded. I only do this in very familiar areas where he's calm and not worried about the unknown. I've just started trying to get him to walk step for step with me so it's kinda like beginning dance lessons. He has learned to side-pass with me at his side and I side-pass too by crossing my legs.
Charm is a beauty. How old is she? Breed? What kind & how much training does she already have?
Cash is QH and he's nine. He was taught some of his ground manners by his breeder & then he was traded to a trainer for full training on another horse the breeder owned. He had the rest of his ground manners taught to Cash by a couple of teenagers that do alot of showing. Then the trainer did all the under saddle work. I was taking riding lessons from the trainers wife just as he was finishing up with Cash and that's how Cash and I met. Soon I was on his back and quickly he was mine...monetarily and emotionally. I boarded at their training barn for three years and loved it cause I could watch training and lessons most every day. I was like a sponge and soaked up all the information I could from them and the 25ish horses that were there. Some were the same horses that were also boarded and some changed all the time as they'd get a couple months training on them and then go home with the owner. It was a great experience....actually it was many great experiences
Goodness I've really gabbed away here. Please feel free to share as much or little as you'd like about your horse history and goals. I love talking all things horse. I really want to become a much better rider but I'm also very interested in horse massage and other forms of alternative healing to help the horse. And here in America~~ I'm very concerned with the future of our wild mustangs.
Did Charm come over and smell on you at all when u were sitting with her? Some will kinda sniff their person all over and that's kinda cute. You may get different reactions each time you do it. If she is very spooky and you think she might run into you, You could keep a crop or something similar to swish at her to veer her off if she did happen to put u at risk or u can do the chiken flap and jumping jacks. The other day Cash had a big ol horsefly come bombing along and lit right on the middle of his back, Cash started bucking. He tries to hold still when I tell him whoa cause he's learned I will whack it for him but sometimes it's just more then he can handle if I can't get to it fast enough so I'm trying to keep a horsetail whisk nearby so I can at least swish it off.
Oh, I have so much to do...better get off here.
We have 15 horses at our stable. We have all been required to maintain a worming plan where we worm every other month with a different chemical wormer.
Due to some information that had been seen that many people were over-worming their horses we decided to do fecal(pooh) tests to see if there were actually any worms to get rid of and if there were worms which kind of worms and then we could use the best chemical treatment for that kind of worm.
Very interesting results. 13 horses were totally clear of worms. It had been two months since we'd wormed and it was time to do it again. Result: 1 horse had one egg visiable and one horse had many worms so she must be resistant to the wormers. So we don't need to worm 13 out of the 15 horses. We will recheck a fewl months from now. We are working under the advice of a vet.

Just sharing some food for thought. I think it's pretty cool that we don't have to keep giving our horses that worming poison on a regular basis. Sometimes it has to be done.
Hi Shirley and Jennifer

Charm is a 3 yr old QH x SH but the owner she had before me wasn't too sure what kind of breed she was because the first owners didn't tell the owner she had before me (Meika) so she wasn't too sure, but sometimes I can see Arabian in her when she is having a spass or something :) lol. Meika had her since she was 1 (i think) and she trained her, she responds to voice commands but she is still learning (well we both are) that is the reason why we got her because she was beautiful, had a great and beautiful nature and so we could both grow and learn together.

I love to talk about horses as well so don't worry about blabering on Shirley I love reading about what people do (I am a reader lol). I think that plan of the worming is a great idea I think it would help a lot of horses so they don't get so much worming paste. And it would save money as well. :)

Today has been very exciting because my mum has just bought a thoroughbred gelding who is 14 yrs I think. He is for my mum. It is really exciting because now me and my mum can go on trail rides together and Charm could have a friend. But because my mum is pregnant I have to look after him, but I don't mind.

Hope you's have a great day today since it is night here :)

Some people here are just getting up but I am a nightowl and have stayed up till nearly dawn. It is 4 a.m. here. BAD ME! /ME BAD! I am off now to get some shut eye.
How neat your mum got a horse for herself. And how neat u r going to have a little brother or sister.Babies are so wonderful.
Cheers! Nightie night...
Hi Krystal, I am glad your mother got herself a horse, and a TB at that! I sure hope you have fun with him.
Is SH Saddlebred Horse?
Hope you have a good sleep :)


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