Does anybody here know what the selection process for eventers is in the US? 

I am asking because there are at least three professionals in our area who state that they were long listed for the US Olympic event team. None have ever competed above Preliminary level. I don't know how the three day team selection works, but I know that in dressage you have to at least be competing at the Olympic level in the year that they are doing the selections to be long listed. 

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Gee, they must have a VERY long list !!

That is EXACTLY what I said...How long IS that list anyway??

The horse industry is unregulated.  Qulifications and training and experience is sometimes exaggerated and I am being kind.  I know  of one instructor who advertised she was an "International Level" rider.  She is a Canadian who competed in one show in the USand didn't win anything.  I know of another instructor who calls herself a "Senior British  Instructor" trying to say she has her BHSI when in reality she has nothing. Long ago there was an immigrant from England who said he had all these great eventing qualifications and had ridden at the highest levels so he was made the eventing coach for Ontario.  Eventually somebody checked his resume and found out he had ridden for some horse dealer in England and that was it and he was let go and the mess was covered up.......

As always  its "buyer beware".

Un/under qualified- using country border to promote something they aren't.

So a Rider w/ this typ of question-I am an uncategorized rider and prior to the end of 2012 my horse and I were qualified to enter a CIC 3* for the first time although we did not achieve all MERs [Minimum Eligibility Requirements ] as a combination.

The 2013 FEI Eventing Rules state: “For Athletes not yet categorized at 

the level of the Competition the Minimum Eligibility Requirements must be achieved
as a combination….”


No, as of January 1, 2013 uncategorized riders must achieve all MERs required by the
FEI for a particular level in combination with the horse they wish to compete in that


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