I'm teaching my horse to jump.  I was thinking of putting her on a lunge line and having two objects on both sides of me and loping/cantering her on a lunge line and having her jump those.  Anymore ideas? I could use a lot so let's hear what you have for ideas.

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Jumping from a lunge line is fine.  The best way is to do a circle 20-30 feet in front of the jump, and when you send her to the jump you are running parallel to her until 20-30 feet beyond the jump.

Do you know how to jump?  It is VERY hard for a rider to learn how to jump on a horse who is learning how to jump herself.  I know, because that is how I learned how to jump.  It was rather hairy at times.

IF you can find any lesson barns around you that teach jumping I recommend that you learn to jump on a horse that already knows what he is doing.  Of course if you know how to jump this won't apply to you.

"Schooling Your Horse" by Vladimir Littauer has thorough discussions on how to train a horse to jump.  There are usually several used copies available through Amazon. 

I know how to jump but my horse doesn't know how.

Personally, I prefer to teach horses through a jump chute.  More on that in a second.  If you do use a longe line, you must make sure your standards or whatever you are using to prop the poles are SHORT, the last thing you want is a line caught on a standard, it's a recipe for disaster.

Standard set for a chute is a one to a two, with a placing pole (vertical, vertical, oxer).  You'd put it in your indoor arena preferably, they always go on the left rein (don't ask me why, but that's just the way we do it.  To create a chute, you place a standard before the chute and after to give them a guide in.  Then you place a pole at 9 to 10 feet before the first set of standards, set a vertical, then about 18 feet a second set of standards for a vertical, at about 32 feet, two sets of standards for an oxer.  The standards on the outside of the chute need to be as close to the wall as possible.  I like to run two lines of caution tape between the standards which gives the horses the impression that there is no way to jump out of the line, but, in fact, it will break easily if there's a problem.

Notes on putting your horse through... (you'll need helpers)

Place the poles on the ground first and walk your horse through a couple times.  Then you are going to trot your horse up to the chute and let them go through.  This is where your helpers come in, to help urge the horse through with a longe whip... GENTLY.  Then when your horse is comfortable, set a single X at the far end, and build up to having all three.

As your horse gets used to doing the chute,  you can very gradually build up the fences and move the lines to where is comfortable for your horse.  This gives them the opportunity to build their eye and judge their distances without a person fiddling with them.  Then they tend to be more balanced and confident coming into a fence with a person on them.

My two cents, of course...

thank you everyone who has helped me.  I will need it and I will post pictures and videos on me and Miranda (my horse) trying this.

Thanks everyone


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