I've seen some discussion on the outrage of the roundup of wild horses. I'd be interested to know what you think should be done to manage these horses. I saw a piece on the Today Show about the roundup and they re-iterated that there is not enough forage for the horses. The horse advocates said it would be better if they were left alone and died by starvation or predators, thats the balance of nature. The BLM says they are against killing(by euthanization) to cull the herds. So they put them up for adoption, hoping us so -called horse lovers will help them out. But, no-one seems to want to step up and provide homes, there are currently 33,000 horses being held waiting for homes and no-one is adopting. So what do you think should be done to help the wild horses?

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My trainer is a BLM expert... he helps round up wild horses to be adopted, he helps separate them and move them, and he helps with the Mustang Challenge to provide homes after the horses are separated and trained .... he told me that there is a plan in place to steralize the mares for up to 5 years...... so that no more babies are born... and the Stupid BLM is against it.... how about leaving them alone? How about letting them be free? How about not lying that there isn't any food..... they are WILD horses... why do we need to adopt them? They don't want to be adopted they want to be wild... give me abreak... in this U.S. of A there is not enough room for these horses???? that is insane... that is like being in africa and rounding up zebras and making someone adopt them... this is propaganda b.s. that they don't have enough food..... the beef makers just want to make you believe that.. so whatever, we won't have any wild horses soon.... at the hands of man..... we will just destroy them because we are too stupid to think of another plan... sobeit..... So called horse lovers adopting wild mustangs? That is like you going out and adopting a tiger... they are W I L D.... and some of us have adopted them..... and would adopt more but they need a lot of work and training.... I think it is cruel to take a wild animal and domesticate them because we aren't willing to try sterilization.... and I'm sorry to be ranting... I am just so angry about this and so disgusted with our country...... yesterday I called the B.L.M. to talk to someone after I got an email and a phone number and she simply said the B.L.M. prevailed... the roundups are started... I just think of how scared the babies are, how scared the horses are and how awful people are..... it makes me disgusted to be a human being..... grow some fricken grass, I don't know... think of something..... they don't care is the problem... if someone gave a care the situation could be solved.... but throwing them off a cliff seems to be easier I guess...... I can't even talk about this anymore I get so fricken sad...... wild horses and polar bears becoming extinct just kills me.... and I know it's coming.... all animals of the world will eventually perish... because man thinks he is more important than beast..... yuck.
They did mention on the piece I watched that they were sterilizing the older mares they caught and re-releasing them. The horses put up for adoption are usually the foals, they can then be socialized and make very good horses for a lot of people. The problem is a lot of people don't have the time or skills to raise a baby properly. There are currently two young mustangs that were adopted by someone at the barn where I ride. They are very pretty horses and coming along nicely, I don't think weaning a young wild foal is much more tramatic than weaning any other foal, it has to happen. The problem with surplus of wild horses stems from the banning of slaughter here in the US, that's what they used to do with those horses when they culled the herds. I think adoption is a much better fate.

Hi Carol... My horse, Oliver was rescued in 2005 along with 52 other baby or young horses.... most of the adopted horses are between weanlings and yearlings... little bugers..... my trainer is in charge of the adoption program and 50 of the 52 had to be returned for non handling, mishandling, whatehaveyou... only my Oliver and another horse are still placed....
I hate slaughter too.... put it this way, I am just glad that I am not an animal that cannot stick up for myself in this world of horrible horrible people.... I hate people.... and their need to control the environment... so they are being slaughtered however you look at it.... let's see, would I rather

be rounded up and run off a cliff?
shot from the air?
slaughtered in a long line of screaming horses after being hauled there to die.... wow, what a prospect...

I say find a sanctuary for horses and let them be.... someday, when I rule the world that is what I will do... they just spent 21 million dollars to put out a fire that a fing arsonist lit in my area of southern california..... the money could have so been spent other ways..... it is really depressing how this world works...

there is no answer.. we will lose the horses.. I can't even let myself go there... it just truly makes me cry..... I rescued one... and he is a poster child for american mustangs... the owners of the other horses let the horses down... the 50 people that couldn't cut it..... so the horses didn't do anything but be born in a hostile environment of stupidity..... I think adoption is a great option, but people suck, again and can't hack it..... If I win the lotto I am going to buy a huge piece of land for wild horses.... but maybe they will all be dead before I get the chance.... :)
I'm confused, someone thinks Cloud is gone? Are they talking about the same Cloud in the Pryor Mountains that Ginger films? First of all, in June I stood less than 5 feet from him. I can assure you, he is alive. A little footsore right now, along with many of them.

Go go the blog, there is some amazing photos and video. Word is now getting around that the WORLD is upset about this, not just Americans. YAY!!

http://www.thecloudfoundation.org/ website
http://thecloudfoundation.wordpress.com/ blog

Thank you!!!!! Anything I can do to help, please let me know. I can get word to Ginger also, and I will let her know this is going to the UK!!

This is the story of Cloud and his herd, wild stallion of the Rockies. If you follow the links you will read that among the horses for adoption are a nineteen year old band stallion and a twenty one year old mare, these horses should remain free it is unlikely that they will be adopted and the change may prove to traumatic for them. People are mailing and phoning the Whitehouse and signing the petition to help save these horses. They really do need our help!!!

See Carol... if a horse group can't even talk about it, it just shows that honestly, wild horses are not on the minds of people... :) probably better in the long run for the horses to just hurry up, get it over with, die...... it's not like people are ever going to need them for anything again..... we don't live off the land like we should..... I just can't stop thinking about it so I'm going to put it up again....

I feel so bad for the wild horses. :(
I've been feeling bad for them since I first became aware of the mistreatments they suffer back in the 70's. Round-ups were even crueler because they were going straight to the meat-packers. A lot of people put up a lot of fuss and got that stopped. It seems now people have forgotten or just don't care anymore. Times are tough for everybody. It's sad to hear the statistic's of how many adoptees in Olivers group were returned, which goes back to my point of how many people are not capable or have no idea what it takes to raise a baby.Maybe the high rate of adoption failures has something to do with the BLM's change of management with the horses. I think the BLM needs someone who actually knows something about horses to manage these herds humanely, seems like they are completely unable to do it sensibly.
Hugs girl.... I have cried everyday since Thursday. I am so sad and so depressed about this... :( I hear screams in my ears... ugh, I have to shake it off...... I am so glad I am not an ignorant killer of animals..... and that I personally can't slaughter anything. Should have seen me when I watched Charlottes Web and poor little wilbur was so scared of the smokehouse.... I feel so bad for the animals that I carry it with me.... but I know without money and a gun I can't do anything. My trainer offered to help. In fact, he did save one herd of wild horses of a count of 400...... Wild Horses in Need is a foundation where the BLM is a bunch of greedy bureacrates... so what do we expect, huh? ...Wild Horses in Need.... they saved a few horses with private funds and made a sanctuary.... the BLM is just stupid.. you should have heard the redneck hick that answered the phone..... it's like a precious resource that will be gone and then dumb jerks will be like, OH now we need horses for something... duh....... but like everything man has, they don't know how important it is till it is gone.... so whatever, kill the horses.... I hope they rot in hell for it too..... at least maybe the horses can run free over the bridge... I have no way of comforting myself about this... :(
I know what you mean, I can't stand to see any animal abused or harmed. I get sad when I see a dead animal on the road, I will fight you if I see you hurt an innocent animal! My husband came home and said someone dumped a bony, dirty little dog by his jobsite, I was there looking for the critter all weekend. Never saw it, I hope someone with a heart picked him up.
I heard they were going to try out some sort of birth control for mares in the wild. Hoping that will reduce their population.


I think it wouldn't harm anyone?
well they should.:) they suggested it five years ago but nothing happened... that would make me happy. thanks Valentina... maybe something good will happen after all.
They showed some footage of the wranglers giving shots to some of the captured mares, the narrator stated they were receiving birth control(lasts 5 yrs), and re-released.
awesome!! isn't that such a good idea? Yeah!! Now move forward to imagining the skill it would take to handle a capture mustang mare and the valliant effort they are making and you can hate people a whole lot less... :) thanks for the update girls!!


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