How many die hard trail riders do we have here?? I mean where you have your favourite trails, and love to load up the trailer and head out for a few days, camp out under the stars and have fun with your horse?
I have been riding since I was a kid, and it was either find a trail or make one, and ride it because ain't no body buying a trailer for the kids to tie mom and dad down to hauling kids butts all over Ontario just to ride for a few hours on the weekends. But once I got to working and making my own money, then things changed. Now that I am retired, I find that I am always looking for new places to ride. There is no end to where you can go, camp, ride, and see N. America framed between two horses ears.
Who cares to share some of their trial riding experiences?

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I would rather share the experience first hand as I have never had the chance and just bought a truck and trailer and don't even know how to haul yet.
Well there is not time like the present. If you are anywhere near me I can help you if you like. There is really nothing to it, if you can drive you can haul a trailer.
Well I love trail riding but don't have my own trailer, so it's so expensive to hire one I only get out once in a while. I do go as many places as I can ride from the barn, as often as I can, but since it's southern Ontario that is pretty limited and usually involves crossing busy roads.

Until a few years ago I had 136 acres in rural NB, from where you could ride trail for days without having to cross a busy road. I have to admit to being very attached to my comfy bed at night, but I used to ride to friends' houses, leave the horse there and catch a ride home, then drive back the next day and resume the ride. My friends of course did the same leaving their horses at my place and getting me to drive them home. I did have neighbours who would take camping gear and keep going for days.
Hey what ever works Jenny, that sounds like a plan using friends horses,( I do that in Florida). I would love to ride in NB, or NS or anywhere in the east. That is one place that I have not touched yet.
Yes the "going for days" is fun. I will be doing that in July. It is fun as long as the weather does not start acting up. I might have to pick your brain some time about the best places to ride and camp in NB.
I used my own horses, just used my friends' paddocks!

I didn't get to know a whole lot of NB, but I do know the area around where I was (Sussex/Petitcodiak area) has lots of trails and wilderness. Some overgrown and some overrun with 4-wheelers, but that's probably the case anywhere.

Also there was a lovely place down on the Fundy shore that you could use as a base. Lovely cabins, barn space, and when we asked if we could bring temporary fence and just park our horses outside our cabin door they said yes. They have team penning there too, which is why I wanted to go in the first place, but supposed to be lovely trail riding along the shore. I will try to remember what it is called, or email my friend in NB and ask her.
Oh cool, that would be great if I had a place all lined up to camp and ride out from, I use a high picket line for my horses when camping. It sounds like a good place. It is much harder to find horse camping places in Canada then it is in the States. Just about every state has wrangler camps all through them. It seems that the American horsemen have a louder voice then the Canadians.
I found it with google. Broadleaf Guest Ranch.
The one thing I have to warn you about is BOOK EARLY! They only have a few cabins, and are booked up a year in advance for popular weekends! Other than that I thought it seemed very nice. I never did stay there because of that problem with not having my own trailer and the cost of trailering, but I spent a day there watching the penning and hiking on the trails.
Thanks Jenny, I took a boo at the website, and I see that they do have a few camping sites. I would be camping for sure, rather than renting a cabin. I will have to keep track of this place, I would really like to make it out to the east coast before I die.
Well I am heading out this Saturday for about a 4 day camping and riding excursion. No big deal the trails are not challenging but it gives me a chance to take my older Walker out and see how he is "keeping up" He has been semi retired for about 2 years due to some strange ailment. Got him all straigntend out physically and think it is about time that he is reminded of why he is here. He is such a good trail horse, I trust him and his body language. I am meeting a friend of mine where she has a campsite at privately owned club camp. I will try to remember to bring my camera.
Well I am back from a fantastic 4 day camp/ride excursion. what great weather we had too. My oldie TWH did great, he is such a trooper. Even though he has not done much for over 2 years, he did not forget anything and was more than willing to do it all. I think he actually enjoyed the trip. He is a tad tired, and kind of tender footed from all of the water crossings. But I am reallyl pleased with him. Next time is the kids turn and carrying the old lady all over the county. lol.
Trail riding is about all that I do. I load up the horses and trailer out. We have our favorites that we go to. Some are once a week evening rides, Some are once a summer rides that are more of an effort to get to. ( Such as our annual trip to Bryce Canyon in May or Yellowstone Park in Juy)

I'll try and get some photos moved over here to share.
My daughter riding up at Shingle Creek near Strawberrry

Well Painted Horse, you are certainly in the best place in N. America to trail ride in. If I plan to ride in the mountains It would have to be at least a 3 week journey to get any good riding in. My last trip to the mountains for riding was a 7 week stint. What a ride. lol This year the finances dictate that I stay closer to home for most of my riding. However I will not give up my annual Tn ride in the fall. I would love to see some of your pictures. I will try to get a picture in here of my ride last week. Not sure if that will happen but I can always try.


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