Nevermind the technical inconsistancies ... just share with everyone the horse movie that pulls at your heart strings every time you see it. For me it's Seabiscuit -- although I am also a huge fan of The Black Stallion. That 20-minute segment of Alec and The Black getting to know each other and playing on the beach is so beautiful and atmospheric it totally absorbs me.

What about you?

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Without a doubt "The Black Stallion"! I think I watched that movie a dozen times or more ..... but really it's the same with "The Man from Snowy River". I really liked Hidalgo too! There are to many to name . I remember my dad taking me to Pharlap. I was 11 (ish) ......I bawled!! I don't like sad Horse movies.

Great idea for a thread !!

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Hmmm ... I don't think anyone has mentioned The Horse Whisperer ...
Wow ! So many horse little good ones !!
Yes, the Black Stallion remains my favorite one, and Phar Lap is a close second.
Seabiscuit is not bad, except I hate it when you can see the riders holding back their horses, even when they're suppose to galop all out !
Black Beauty, I have'nt seen, buth when I saw the trailer, I cried my eyes out (all right, maybe I was particularily vulnerable that day !). I only remenber the TV series when I was younger.
If you undersdtand french, there is an old movie from 1973 called : Heureux qui comme Ulysse, with Fernandel, a great, great French comedian. In the story, his caracter has to retire his old Camargue horse, so he decides to bring him back to his original Camargue marshes. I cried and I cried and I cried the first time I saw it in the eighties, ans cried again like crazy last summer, when I saw it again. No idea why !!!


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