Who's associated with a rescue or equine assisted therapy organization?

I would love to hear about your efforts and stories.

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That is wonderful! Especially for the therapeutic horses, it is often so difficult to find the resources to give them those extras.
Patti - C A R D has been lucky to have the support of Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals, and our herd has never looked better. They're in top condition, and we owe a great deal of their health to you and to all the wonderful folks at Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals. Your products have made a tremendous difference to each horse's performance, stamina and condition, and we could not be more grateful!

We're relaunching the group page for C A R D and hope you join us there! We'll be sharing stories of the herd, and of wonderful sponsors like Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals!
I work with C A R D (Community Association for Riding for the Disabled), the first therapeutic riding centre in Canada. We're celebrating 40 years of service to children and adults with disabilities in Toronto and surrounding area.

Our program is NARHA certified, and focuses on delivering hippotherapy, psycho-education, rehabilitation and adapted sport classes to riders with disabilities. I started at C A R D as a volunteer almost five years ago, and there are so many stories - all wonderful - about the way horses help people! Most recently for me was a visit with a rider I worked with as a volunteer. He came to C A R D with ABI after an accident that left him disabled, and after three years of rehabilitation, I watched him hold his head up while he walked from his chair to the mounting block - two things he could not imagine he would be able to do when he started the program. It made me feel proud and humble - we celebrated his accomplishment with a coffee after class!
This is the message we need to send to the general horse community and beyond. As we move from an era where horses were necessary for farmwork and transportation, to now, where they are essentially pleasure, I think it is so very important that people realize just how much equines have to offer!
We offer free job postings and call outs for volunteers at www.horsejobs.ca


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