Seeing as I've had a recent obsession with dressage and Grand Prix Kurs, I am curious as to the opinions of my fellow BarnMicers. Who is your favourite Grand Prix Dressage Rider? Why? Do you have a favourite horse, opposed to a favourite rider?

I'd have to say my favourite rider is Steffen Peters. He's not necessarily the best there is, but I think that's why I like him. Paired with Ravel, this could easily be my favourite duo. As for a favourite horse - Moorlands Totilas has to be my favourite by far. Have you *seen* the lift in that horse's shoulders?! Crazy!

Anyway, what's your opinion? ;)

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I'd have to say Belinda Trussell - not just because she is my coach, but because she has gotten to the top of the world while treating her horses with kindness the whole way up!
My favorite rider is Steffan Peters because he always seems in harmony with his horses, but I am also very inspired by Laura Bechtolsheimer because she is proving that, with hard work and dedication, you can make it to the top of the Dressage world at a young age.

One of my favorite horses is Monica Theodorescu's Whisper because, even though he does not have the fantastic movement that some other horses have, he is so correct and precise and seems very pleased to do his work, showing that correct training does earn high scores. Of course Moorland's Totilas is a blast to watch!
There are so many wonderful riders at the top levels, it's too hard to just pick one. I was very fortunate to see a lot of the top riders at the World Cup finals in Las Vegas. I was very impressed with Isabell Werth, especially the year she rode Warum Nicht! And Steffen Peters with Ravel - they are an amazing combination. I would have loved to see Steffen and Ravel go head to head with Edward Gal and Totilas which will probably happen at the World Equestrian Games - and I will not be able to make it (dang!).

It's so exciting how well all the potential Canadian team members are doing in their current European tour - excellent scores and always improving - there's serious hope for a WEG medal!


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