I'm weighing out my options to get a barn built before winter. We are in a cold climate with a heavy snow load. Size 36' x 36'. Looking at an insulated metal barn as a quick, inexpensive option (affordablebarns.com), instead of holding out for my gable dream barn built mainly from wood. Any advice from those who have been there done that is welcome! 

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all the close by barns I have been around are metal, much more inexpensive I assume. I do not know where you live but I live in Alberta, I see alot of the affordablebarns.com barns out around here and we get alot of -30 days. What I would say is although the barn is nice, its not heated, so I'd still invest in stable blankets, and then ahve turnout blankets (even a rain sheet) to put over top when its nicer out.

I am very jealous of people with barns on the cold days
Thanks! I was going to go for the insulation option too. -20 to -30 is about normal winter for us (central BC) so have already got good turnouts and blankets for everyone.
Hi Nicole, Well ,metal is going to be cheeper to build but it will be dearer to heat. We don't get anything like the temps you guys get so I don't know about snow loads and all that. Your going to have this barn for a long time , may as well hold out for the one you realy want. Thats what we did, built a wooden stable block and it's just fab. So if the money is not such and issue and you can squirrel away that bit extra, I sure you will think it worth it in the end.
Cheers Geoffrey
Good advice thanks.
Try www.dencosheds.ca, cheap and affordable wood barns that actually comes in pieces and is basically put together like a 3D puzzle. My old employer had one done and even customized it :)
Going to check them out right now. Thanks.


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