I often wonder if my premenopausal state has anything to do with my mood swings... generally, when I wake up in the morning is when I have a feeling that I am going to cry.... I got a little pill called Dhea, some Estroven, and a cream with Progesterone in it. Arbonne makes it and it is natural..... I have a book on menopause that basically states that women my age quit feeling oppressed and have breakthroughs in the form of a mid life crisis..... I think there is alot to it..... I am 49. I'm not sure how old some of you youngins are, but I think menopause can greatly affect moods....

Outside to groom the ponies, Jen

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I am sooo past that phase of my life, lol.
Oh yes, it can affect moods, just like beginning menstruation can really affect a girl's moods. This is sort of something you sort of have to grit your teeth and ride out (there are some natural remedies that can help.) The rewards though, after everything settles down, are greater clarity of thought and somewhat easier time controling emotions. I now consider estrogen (the stuff our bodies produce as well as pharmaceutical) sort of as a bad trip drug. SUCH a relief to no longer have to deal with its effects.
Jen, definitely hormones greatly affect mood. I had a pretty easy menopause (I'm 55), but hellacious pre-menstrual tension all the time that I had periods, I would all of a sudden feel really depressed and check the calendar, and sure enuff, my period was ten days away. Sure don't miss that. I think my Dr. prescribed birth control pills for the first yr. of menopause, cause I had no risk factors, and the estrogen did help, but you don't want to be on hormones for longer than you have to be. However, one good thing estrogen does is protect our hearts, and we have to be more conscious of the risk factors and early warning signs of heart attack. after menopause...the percentage of women getting heart attacks has increased, and curiously enough, also the incidence of men getting breast cancer. Weird. Laura
I think I stopped.... just last month. I am 49. today I do not feel well at all.... I have cramps... ugh.....

thank you for the tops on heart care..... I hope I do not have a heart attack.... I wonder what to do....
Hawthorn Berry has really helped my heart throughout menopause. I take it every day, and if my heart gets stressed (once every few years), I also use the tincture for a few days. I cannot take estrogen because it causes MS attacks with me.
Thank you Jackie. I am reading a very enlightening book about menopause but I prefer the book "you can train your horse to do anything" and I get distracted, LOL... I take fish oil and also um, evening primrose... now I can try the hawthorn berry too.... thanks again to both of you for the tips, not tops... LOL..
Hi Jen,
I'm a horse person/psychotherapist, and yes, research does indicate that menopause has an effect on mood in women. There is no reason for you to be uncomfortable, there are wonderful and effective tools for dealing with these issues ranging from psycho-therapy to mild anti-depressants. Anti-depressants can be a hard choice for folks but they are wonderfully effective for the symptoms you mention and in all likelihood once you've completed menopause you'll be able to stop them.
Hi Laura. I did have psychotherapy needs about my situation but I'm over it now, which really helps me from being blocked.... and about 5 months ago I really pushed through it..... my horse, Oliver, when he turned into the rail for me, and gave it up and was submissive after that, I felt my energy was fixed... we were not blocked by the stuff that these ex friends of mine did..... I saw the pictures of the camping trip and i was glad that I didn't care about the people, but I did wish I had an easier horse... I still had horse envy... LOL...

Oliver and I did have a really fun day today though using Chris Irwin's stall manners video, I called him to me, and practiced my energies.... drawing, blocking, pushing, and when he and I are in sync, I feel better, less depressed..... I think with me it might have been more mental and emotional than physical but I am taking dhea and I find that it helps, a cream that is made by arbonne, and estroven..... I am so thankful to not be crying every morning.......I don't know why but all of a sudden we pushed through it, me and O..... it just creeps up every now and then.. and it's the keep up with the jonses thing... but I don't have 20 years plus of riding horses so it is what it is..... Oliver is my best horse friend right now and he's helping me through it.... :) and Tob.

Hi Jen,
Sorry to have taken so long to reply. For some reason your response was not forwarded to my e-mail. I have a challenging horse as well. There are times when we have absolute battles of the wills. While on one hand I envy those with those well behaved horses that hack out quietly and can trot around the ring with out leaping into the center for fear of some unknown demon. On the other I delude myself into thinking that I am forced to think and learn more about my horse as a result of his eccentricities. Be well. Laura
I like the sentiments of "OH BOY! " as now a new challenge to figure out. and "Isn't that interesting" rather then "OH NO!~ what a terrible horse I have!" or "You idiot, there's nothing to be afraid of" I've heard the later way too many times.
I could have gotten a 'been there-done that' kind of horse with some miles on it but instead I got a 2.8 year old while I was a novice. Maybe not the wisest idea at age 53 starting out, but I do truly think I have learned much more about horses going this route. It really does force you to learn more about our equine friends...or not ride. I do at times feel bad that I can't yet head out with the trail riders for much distance but I wouldn't trade.
Giddy up girl!
Remember...the tortoise won the race!
Hello..... I agree.... with the sometimes it would be easier to have the easy horse..... as I watch my ex friends ride this weekend... they didn't see me, but they were trotting along, in my back yard, and I was so glad that I could yell to Oliver, about 2 miles away and he whinnied back..... sometimes the people with the easy horses are not really dealing with relationship issues.... yesterday my horse was crabby so I ignored him... today he was better..... :) my trainer came over the other day after being gone for 6 weeks and commented how nice he was..... maybe his manners are improving... :) hang in there girls with challenging horses... they must need us so that is why we are here...


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